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Old 4th Jul 2006, 20:11
  #25 (permalink)  
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SASless, it was a charming story which, regrettably, probably wouldn't be allowed in the UK. You see, our nanny-state forbids parents even to video their kids in school plays, and if you slow down when driving past a school at chucking-out time in case one of the little monsters runs across the road, some stupid woman will probably consider you to be a closet paedophile...

Kids are warned never to talk to strangers - and if you kissed someone's child in the way you describe, you'd probably get locked up.

Such is life in the totalitarian Bliarite republic.

OK - another story showing how nice Spams are to little kids. (Westie can go play with his pistols - but it's true!). This was witnessed by my sqn boss when he was on exchange at SAC HQ in the early 1970s:

In the BX, a young family was shopping. Including their inquisitive little girl. She spotted someone else shopping; this was some multi-starred mega general. But it wasn't his uniform with its rows of medals, stars, tin rocket badge etc (like Patton but without the pearl-handled Colts) which got her attention, it was the 'brick' clipped to his belt which had just gone 'KKRRCHT' as she walked past.

"What's that?", she asked in one of those little girl voices which can be heard for miles. Much to the embarrassment of her dad.

"Err, this?"
"Oh - this is so I can talk to.....the Tooth Fairy!"
"You can't!!"
"Sure I can. What's your name?"
"OK, Tammy....'Command Post, this is General Smith'
'Go ahead, sir'
'Yeah. Uhh - gemme the Tooth Fairy'

At this stage there was a pause. Love to have seen the expressions of the folks in the CP....

'Uh...say again Sir?'
'Ah - OK, sir.........'
'Helloooo, this is the Tooth Fairy'
'Great. OK, Tooth Fairy, I gotta task for you. Tammy here looks like she's gonna be needing you soon, so I want you to tell her you're gonna be sure to call'
'OK Sir. Hello Tammy, this is the Tooth Fairy. I'll be coming to look after you just as soon as you need me. OK?'
'Gee, really? OK, thanks, Mr Tooth Fairy!'

"See - told you I could!", said the general - and strolled off with a big smile on his face leaving a happy little girl totally in awe!

Somehow I can't quite see that happening in the on-base used-to-be-NAAFI shop at RAF Wherever!
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