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Old 5th Jun 2006, 12:06
  #37 (permalink)  
Fuji Abound
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"The real problem is that the CAA have not had to deal with any effective opposition to there policys in the past. At long last GA is getting it's act together with AOPA, PFA and others moving into political lobbying and putting pressure on them."


I see no evidence of this being the case.

GA has no united representation in Europe. For this reason the lobbying that does take place is ineffective.

I fitted mode S when it was first mooted it would be mandatory for controlled air space operations - cost about £4,500. There does not seem to have been any significant fall in the price of Garmin units since.

Care should be taken about underestimating the cost of installation. Often it is not a simple replacement of the existing unit.

Whilst I believe it is not mandatory - try and find someone who can test the mode S aspect. In theory it should be possible to do so on the ground - but how many work shops have the equipment? You will have even less luck in the air.

Any regulatory authority has a moral if not legal responsibility to conduct a regulatory impact assessment AND to ensure in this case the suppliers can meet demand, supply the units at the cited cost and the workshops can fit and test the equipment. I am not sure those assurances can be given on any of these counts at the moment.

Should we all fit mode S? My original inclination was we should not be compelled to do so. However, I am a great supporter of GPS. In my opinion GPS used properly has made navigation far more reliable and the risk of CAS infringements less. The cost of the units has fallen, in part doubtless due to increased demand. There is a danger with any new technology that we are resistant because it is "new". My own opinion is that IF the units can be produced as cheaply as the CAA say, and the workshops can fit and test the equipment, and the advantages others have outlined are part and parcel of the deal, there will be benefits for many users. Those who see no benefit for themselves should also recognise that unless fitment is universal, the benefits of traffic avoidance are negated for all.

In particular I agree with the carriage of mode S for IMC (not IFR) operations regardless of the airspace. The reality is that for IMC operators the cost of the kit whilst never inconsequential is part of the high cost of maintaining an aircraft fit for this purpose. In spite of the big sky theory I like a RIS or RAS inside and outside controlled airspace in IMC but the reality is in open FIR it is seldom available.

Finally cases of “near misses” in controlled airspace have been cited as part of the rational. It occurs to me however that if a pilot is going to infringe CAS there is also a good chance he is not talking to anyone on the radio anyway so mode S will only help if he cannot be identified on primary radar. Of course if he has “forgotten” to turn on the radio presumably he might well have “forgotten” to turn on mode S and mode S Alt.

Maybe AT should be able to discretely activate an rev limiter in these circumstances - that would of course get the pilots attention!!
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