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Old 24th May 2006, 20:13
  #8 (permalink)  
Happy Wanderer
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A lesson for all learners . . . . .

Another good reason for going modular!

VC10 - your story struck a chord with me, not just because I too went solo a few weeks ago (and loved it, despite similar concerns), but also because it gives a useful insight into how we learn - anything, including flying.

Until recently, I was a Training Mgr with a large high street corporate, and would often introduce something called the 'Conscious Competence' model to help folks understand the typical stages that we all go through when we learn a new skill. It goes something like this. . . . .

Stage 1 - Unconscious Incompetence - "you don't know that you don't know"

OK, this flying lark looks a bit tricky, but it can't be THAT bad can it? Well let's give it a go anyway. . . . .

Stage 2 - Conscious Incompetence - "you know that you don't know"

Blimey, it IS tricky!! How will I ever learn all this? What does that do again? And what does that mean? Q and H what? Q F E ?? You want me to do WHAT??

Stage 3 - Conscious Competence - "you work at what we don't know"

Hang on a bit, some of this is actually starting to make sense. Yep, I definately remembered that from my last lesson. Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. . . Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. . . It's hard work, but I'm getting the hang of it. . . slowly anyway. . .

Stage 4 - Unconscious competence - "you don't have to think about knowing it"

OK, not suggesting for a minute that we leave our thinking caps back in the club house every time we jump in the LHS - good awareness, discipline, airmanship (and more besides) are critical to safe flying. . .HOWEVER, what started out as something we didn't know we couldn't do, and quickly found very tricky. . . begins to feel easier, more natural, instinct perhaps. . . I don't consciously have to remind myself to do this bit, it happens by itself.

Useful? Ring any bells? I guess one of the lessons from this is that for most of us, we get there in the end. If my instructor got a £pound for every time he's said "don't worry, it WILL get easier", well . . he'd be a much richer instructor for a start. But it does get easier .

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