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Old 12th Apr 2006, 00:16
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anton meyer wrote: Oaths? ..they are unrelated but I do have a marital oath and 2 professional oaths that are all equally important to me, let alone those that I make in Open Lodge.
but what about 'closed lodge'?

of preferential treatment:
mostlymoderate wrote: 'However, in the case of two otherwise equally qualified candidates, one of whom I had reason to believe to be a Mason, he would get the job - simply because I would believe him to be respectable, honest and trustworthy.'
tigs2 wrote: 'If indeed they do look after each other it would only be the same as you looking after a really good mate from your mess.' and 'There may be other groups that naturally give advantage to each other, but apart from a bed for the night if a visiting mason is in the area we do not do that' and 'Our people are professional regardless of their private little hobbies....'.
aside from sniggering at tigs2's 'private little hobbies', does this really mean that a mason may be considered more suitable for a position of trust, whether it is in the workplace or the home, than someone that is also suitably qualified/acceptable? isn't there plenty of scope for professional boundaries and rational decisions to become blurred on that basis? do the masons have criminal records bureau checks? are there such a thing as born again masons that have turned over a new leaf? i do good and charitable deeds daily in my job will you offer me a job/bed for the night? might the person who is not selected because they're not a mason have a right to feel aggrieved?

on a less serious note:

tigs2 wrote: 'Infact as a mason you can knock on the door of any lodge for any meeting and you are welcome in. In England i can only go to a meeting if formally invited.' and 'who says it is your grail??'
well if your lot hadn't pinched it from it's rightful home in glastonbury, they might let you in without suspicion!

mostlymoderate wrote 'Freemasons in this country raise the best part of £10,000,000 a year for Charities, both Masonic and non-Masonic. Plus what they may give privately. That is second only to the National Lottery!' and tigs2 wrote 'About the grail, who says it is your grail?? I have seen the grail it is in !!!!'
are you sure it wasn't a tea caddy? it seems to me that if charity work is not just a front to make them acceptable whilst really trying to take over the world, they should let people know. but how come there as so many neds and sengas still living a life of squalor and penury in the tenements? perhaps the grail (an object supposedly invested with enormous power) is not being used appropriately and thus should be returned to england.

tigs2 wrote:'Yeh! we do that all the time, stabbing people in the back and cutting their throats, we are all mad murderers and serial killers.'
exactly! what about poor captain william morgan and his publisher? http://www.zephnet.com/?select=squib...et=1&linkoff=1

tigs2 (the lee harvey oswald of the masonic world) wrote: 'I am also a member of the Knights Templar'
yes of course tigs! i do hope you are older than 33 http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com...emason_sig.htm ..... last supper? http://www.letchworthshop.co.uk/shop-images/1135.jpg

anyway, now the masons are all touchy feely and people are still suspicious..... i wonder why? nothing sinister about them at all is there? http://www.letchworthshop.co.uk/shop-images/1630.jpg

perhaps it's not such a good idea to allow it in the military after all....
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