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Old 24th Sep 2001, 23:03
  #43 (permalink)  
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Interesting article. I find it amazing how much Europeans like to vent anger at America's involvement in modern world events and criticize our nation's policies toward so many developing nations. Need the citizens of Europe reminding of how much of the current state of affairs in the world are the extended results of their failed imperialism?

That can certainly be said of the middle east. Do the people of Britain need reminding that the borders of the middle east and the people whom were placed in power within those borders was largely the responsibility of their beloved Mr. Churchill. Even in Africa, the atrocities and corruption of so many nations there were the result of such poor management by the English, French, Dutch, and Belgians that colonized them. Even our involvment in Vietnam was the result of the abuses incurred by the French colonials, whom pulled out when things got a little too hot to handle. Or to even look as far back as the Spanish colonial rule that has left hundreds of years of political instability in Central and South America.

America's experiments in colonialism have not had nearly such horrific results. The actual territories that we have held (with the exception of Cuba and the Phillipines) continue to be stable, friendly places, albeit mostly island groups in the South Pacific that maintain their stability due to our support and stewerdship.

I believe that if angry citizens of Europe wish to look for someone to blame for much of the instability and danger in the world today, they need only look as far as their own failed attempts at imperialism, and the mess that resulted from bringing these places modern infrastucture, technology, and politics - then leaving these places behind with no afterthought whatsoever at to how these nations would remain stable without their oversight.
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