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Old 11th Sep 2001, 11:45
  #7 (permalink)  
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Pointy, et al:- IMHO, you all miss the most important factor in apportioning blame for AN's current woes. It goes back much, much further than ANZ or any of the other d***heads who have had control in the recent past. I firmly believe ALL of AN's senior "management" are at fault, have been for the past fifteen years, principally because they look at running AN from the point of view of "the bottom line", i.e. as bloody accountants. Not one of them has shown any ability to run an airline, by definition a service industry, all they have been able to see is trendy management "feel-good, touchy-feely" techniques, instead of asking what travelling people need to get from A to B. The single-minded pursuit of the business traveller as the panacea to all financial ills has been proven to be an idiocy, and the alienation of "Mum, Dad and the two kids" on the annual holiday will come back to bite us sooner than later in terms of market share.

I have lost count of the times we have been re-organised, re-structured and any other term they could devise to disguise the real intent, namely people reductions in the fields where the real work of keeping aircraft flying is done. Guess where that is, LAME!

There isn't really any point in ranting on forever, I suppose, "plus ca change, plus le meme chose". If we do go down the tubes, at least I'll still have PPRuNe to keep up to speed with.

Regards to all,

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