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Old 29th Jan 2006, 04:50
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Devil Do Other Major Airlines Besides Emirates have Pilots over the Yearly Flying Hours?

Can any one who is working in any of the Major Pax Airlines advise if they have Pilots being Rostered for days off because they have exceeded the maximum amount of flying that can be achieved in 12 months?

What Yearly total does your company Roster Pilots for?

Here in EK its 900 Hours every 12 months. This figure until last year was never reached or exceeded.( company advised in writing that after a review of all pilots no body was over there 900 hour limit, now we see every month Pilots rostered OFF because of being over the yearly limit)

Credibility is a problem.You don't know what to believe any more given the slip ups passed on to us.

Is it possible to get some hard information and figures rather than cynical comments to stop winging and if you don't like it leave.

Further back ground the Management Mantra here in Emirates has always been our salary and condition are compared to a "basket of World Class Airlines in the Top 10 or so and then averaged out to come up with our salary package"

Sure every one has to worry about oil price rises it does effect every one yet here in EK the company announce record profits year after year, I see my purchase power from my salary decrease year after year.
( The oil revenue does eventually go back here)

Like many others I have given the company the benefit of doubt and worked into over time (not that I'm chasing it rather days off to enjoy time with the family than just spend it recovering and adjusting my body clock). Worked on Rostered days off when asked usually at the last moment ...(Not any More, as I'm too stuffed).

Ask how many times a year we are rostered to fly into Captains Discretion or should that be Company Discretion only because the bean counters would not approve an augmented crew even when it was painfully obvious one was required. ( Take the Dubai-Seoul-Dubai sector still only operated with 2 crew as a shinning example of forward planning in logistics)

Unfortunately it has not been a 2 way street. With many adjustments to T&C productivity from Pilots in EK has sky rocketed .I'm having trouble understanding each year the record profits announced by Emirates to the world media and yet finding my real life spending money decreasing year after year with very little compensation.

A decreasing Life style package combined with an Inflation Figure that has been ignored by Management is increasingly hard to stomach, given the turn that the Spin Doctors constantly feed us guys at the "Pointy End"

To add further insult the Government here in Dubai do not consider the effect of housing and rental prices when "Publishing Official Inflation " figures, yet not a week goes by with out an article in the local papers discussing the spiring cost of living in Dubai.

The Government however did recognize that Government employees did deserve a pay rise and last year Government workers received 25% Increase in salary .....nice for some.

Interesting article in the Emirates Today Jan 28th Edition speaking from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Mohamed Ali Alabbar (who is Director General of the Dubai Department of Economic Development and also Chairman of Emaar Properties) ....."Rentals in the UAE have increased by an average of 38% through 2005..."

Only a token effort has been made to address the rampant inflation in Dubai from EK.For example last year the Housing allowance was only increased by 10% even though Expate Renters have to pay an additional 5% to the Dubai Municipality.

There is no official CPI Figures available here in Dubai yet your House Maid would have a better understanding on this than what is feed to us by EK Management.

The standard mantra yet again has been "Its under review" or "we are looking into it" .

So I would like to have some information so that I can "review" and "look in to" as I am skeptical whenManagement write to us given the continual denial and lack of acknowledgment that there is a moral problem among all EK employees, not just the Pilots.
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