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Old 18th Dec 2005, 16:41
  #1197 (permalink)  
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LN - sounds like you're doing very well indeed. So a big congratulations!

You seem to have steamed through the PPL. There seems to be a few contenders for the first "class of 2006" now!

I managed to get another flight in yesterday. Was a little touch and go as to whether it would happen - late night on friday. Early morning on saturday! But I felt ok in the morning, so popped along to the aero club for a flight at 1100.

Got there at around 1000, and started planning my route. A simple, first official navigation exercise (even though I'd already done some navigation when weather wasn't good enough.

So I got the route planned fine. My instructor told me about QDM and QDR - nice to know there can be some help! Once I'd frozen my hands in the pre-flight checks we were ready for the off.

There was a 15 knot crosswind - never had one that strong - but I got on with it, and my TO was fairly good!

So, we turned onto the first heading, and cleared the zone. We were asked to contact radar (another first!). As soon as we turned onto the frequency we heard a little banter between the controller and a pilot - taking the mick out of Sunderland's football ground I believe!

Fairly quickly it became apparent that we were off track. Either the wind wasn't as shown, or there was an error in my calculations (the cheek of my instructor to say that! ) We found out what the problem was once we'd landed.

Because we both knew where we were, there was no problems though. The second leg was spot on, as was the third.

On the way back down to newcastle, we needed to get to the east of the VRP, so my calculations no longer mattered! We asked radar for clearance to enter the zone and rejoin instructions which we were duely given.

Not until we were on right base did I remember we had a rather strong crosswind to deal with (or more to the point - I did!). I massively overshot right base, but managed to get back on track. The next bit's a bit of a blur really, it all just happened. It seems I completed a good wing-down method of landing. And to be quite honest I was very chuffed. My instructor said it was a good landing. So I was very happy (only my second X-wind landing, 1st without any verbal input).

So now the real test - did I make a mistake with the whizzy wheel, or was the wind different to that predicted?

He used the information I had, took my whizz wheel, and after around 2 minutes came with his answers. Exactly the same as mine. He apologised for doubting my abilities, but said he was happy that I was right! (Obviously couldn't be bothered to go through the wind calculations with me again!).

So, as always, a very enjoyable lesson.

Another dual nax ex next, and then I do them solo! Can't wait!

Edited to say: I also had the pleasure of meeting fellow forumite happyeater (Paul). Although, I have to admit I wouldn't have known who it was if he hadn't shouted "JOHN FOREMAN" at me, and introduced himself!

Last edited by NT42; 18th Dec 2005 at 18:54.
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