PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Colour Blindness (merged)
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Old 20th Dec 2000, 21:33
  #108 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Isn't it time that we all grouped together and formed an active independant group that faught this. I'm defective but safe but that does not mean that each and every medical isn't a nightmare. I know I can see colours correctly especially red-greeen, furthermore I know of my "problem" and am extra cautious even had to correct the odd normal guy who passes the red stop bars....."oh didn't see the red lights", I have a mate in the same boat and we were discussing that we don't look at colour subconsionsly (spelling??) but take a second or two to confirm when it's safty critical and it's a late night etc. and the performance level is at an all time low. I have passed both the FALANT and the Holmes (the Holmes was a disaster the person testing heard pilot and proceeded to do a NASA medical.... three hours long... the end result failed it the first time and took six months to fight CAA for a retest. Each medical is the same procedure, don't show me the book I can't read half of those pages give me the lantern or something else. I've now got the procedure down pat, I go to an eye doc first do the FALANT and take the test. But that's not the solution... I fully agree with colour vision testing and the ability to distinguish between some primaries but we need the following.

1. A test designed specifically for COMMERCIAL aviation not military that can be administered 100% correctly in the AV. Docs rooms.

2. Demonstrated ability must be accepted, even if the test standards are tougher... say a check pilot is allocated the honour and rides along for 5 sectors or so and looks for problems. I'm not saying he sits with you a 350 and says what colour is that street lamp. But we get given real practical testing. And a favorite from one of the past doctors I've had "It is important to see red because you need to see the red line at the top of the airspeed indicator". The clown was a PPL but even if you only saw grey you would be a fool if you could not tell if you were redlining any instrument.

How about that action group?