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Old 23rd Jul 2005, 12:55
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Ropey Pilot
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I think this thread is an advertisement and assume it will be deleted forthwith.
If that is the case it is a pretty poor advert as Markos is saying that it doesn't work!


There are a million and one diets out there, most of them will reduce your weight and if you go straight back to your old ways of eating you will put it all back on!!

To maintain body weight calories in = calories out.

If calories in are greater you will put on weight, if they are less you will lose it. Doesn't matter if you achieve this by Atkins, GI diet, zone diet, low fat diet, weight-watchers, cabbage soup diet etc. etc. The only thing is if you go on a drastic plan, firstly if you eat too few calories your body goes into starvation mode and will use your existing muscle stores for energy while still storing fat! (a throwback to the feast or famine hunter-gatherer days). Too few is less than about 1200 cals for a male - by the sounds of it this is not your problem. Secondly, you will soon get hungry/fed up and ditch it, putting all the weight back on.

Do some basic research into how much you are eating calorie-wise and how much you need to maintain your weight (2500/day for 'average' man). (keep a food diary for a few days if necessary - and be honest!!). The heavier you are the more calories you burn just by being alive - 10 mins on the internet will tell you this.

Apply the formula above and hey presto!!

When you are with 'thinner' friends look at their portion sizes (brearing in mind they may well be eating more than normal if they are eating out). A 'portion' of meat is supposed to be the size of a deck of cards - are you eating a 5-deck poker shoe?

Just try to keep a healthy balance of fat/protein and carbs noting that you need some fat in your diet (preferably not saturated animal, but oily fish, avocados, nuts etc are good). And note that carbs do have a lot of calories (a 180 gram baked potato has 250 cals = 1/10th of an average adult males daily intake). Oh and if you drink a lot of beer, that is a waistline killer 6 pints is 1500cals, not to mention the fact tha it gives you the munchies!

The main problem if you are a big eater is being hungry - if you eat junk you will feel hungry all the time, read/see supersize me by Morgan Spurlock - whilst eating McD's he was always craving more and overeating - even though he had just eaten a much bigger portion than he was used to.

Ditch the pills, keep up the exercise, eat fresh/home made wherever possible and check your portion size. If you don't eat it your bady can't store it!!

Good luck
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