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Old 30th Jun 2005, 11:47
  #8 (permalink)  
Flip Flop Flyer
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Funny how this is deemed not newsworthy by the mods. Anyway, another linky but still in Danish:


A few translated excerpts:

Flyflåden vil indtil videre være den samme som hidtil. Maersk Air vil fortsat eje de nuværende fly, som vil blive leaset og opereret af Sterling.

"The fleet will remain the same. Maersk Air will continue to own the present aircraft, which will be leased and operated by Sterling"

Vi vil for eksempel realisere betydelige synergigevinster gennem afvikling af dobbeltfunktioner og tekniske installationer. Den personalereduktion i den administrative stab, der er en uundgåelig konsekvens heraf, vil ske ud fra princippet om 'best practice' og 'best man'. Vi vil simpelthen opbygge en helt ny organisation, der får sin egen identitet, og hvor enhver har mulighed for at søge ansættelse.

"We will for instance realise considerable synergy gains through the discontiunation of double functions and technical installations. The reduction of numbers in the adminstrative staff, which is an unavoidable consequence (of the merger) will be based on the principles of "best practice" and "best man". We will simply construct a whole new organization, with its own identidy, where every employee will have the option of applying for work"

Det flyvende personel vil ikke blive berørt - ud over at vi vil kreere nye uniformer og andet udstyr med nyt logo etc."

"The flying staff will not be touched, apart from new uniforms and other equipment with a new logo."

So we can deduce that a lot of people in admin and on the technical side will be made redundant, whereas the flying staff are safe for the moment. We may also deduce that Sterling and Maersk Air will both be rebranded. If that is not worthy of a spot on R&N, then what is?


My bad, yes it\'s 50/50 rather than a majority owned by P&O. I\'d venture the proposition that KLM will offload its shares in the not too distant future.
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