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Old 26th Jun 2005, 05:57
  #17 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Hi McDoo,

I believe I hear you... though Avcanada is improving in that regard and there's truly some beauty in that raw freedom of speech, ... The AEF is still top notch in my books... It's too bad you left - ...but hey!... ...didn't we both just offer our opinions on a couple different forums?... It could get a litte silly, and pretty tricky to be on guard against that sort of a thing all the time.

And knowing how far it extends could be rather difficult? If what you and I just discussed (our opinions on various forums) is ok, but not flight schools, then where is the line drawn? Or is it simply negative opinions that are unwelcome?... in which case, PPRune wouldn't be the right place to come to find honest, balanced opinion at all, would it?

I do understand "no advertising". Completely. And my guess is that most people will know an ad from a man's opinion... (if they even saw it before it got zapped) ...if it's veiled enough to make it too hard to tell, then it hasn't done any harm, has it? at least, no more than any other rump waste we anonymous voices post.

....and then... there's this: " The press, politicians, passengers, lawyers and captains of industry come here when they need information you should be able to stand by what you say in front of these people."

I'm just feeling the waters here at PPRune... I haven't decided if I like this place yet... Mostly what determines that for me will be the people that post here... (which, by the way, in spite of the various phases of the moon and the occasional loonies, is what continues to make the AEF so top notch!)... so far, all I know is that it seems there are waaaaay too many individual forums in this place, ...some of the moderators in the "Rumors and News" area seem incredibly anal about moving things out of there if they think there's another place for what's posted there, even if it still qulaifies as news...there are a lot of pompous, big headed, full of themselves, "no idea what that was meant to convey" British lawyer types (I'm half limey so give me some lattitude) ... and today, I came across that message from you that seemed to be saying something rather ... uhhhh... well...?... stuffy.

I haven't a clue if I'll like the people here, but with 100,000 of 'em, I guess I'd have to say it's my problem if I didn't. It won't be the press, the hot dogs of industry, the lawyers, the Pilots, or the candle stick makers that keep me interested.... it'll be the buck naked, raw minds within.

That's all we get in text. No uniforms, no ties, no suits, no rank, no class distinction, no pretty faces, or braids, or epaulettes, or boardrooms.... a bagsmasher has the same voice as the CEO. The lawyer can be outwitted by the groomer.... and who's who anyway?

So I don't know what it's about yet... Rumor?

If that means I'm an odd man among those 100,000, then oh well... I can live with that... I'll stick to the AEF... We Canucks ain't like the Britts y'know.

And I'll tell ya, ...you, the press, the Supreme El Capitano of the biggest industry there is, and all of OJ's lawyers combined... There's far more value in honesty than there is in pretense, and I'll stand by those words any day.

*** Come to think of it... the last time I saw you on the AEF weren't you advertising this forum? You were, you bugger! You posted a link a couple times trying to swing people this way.... Listen mate, the only reason this forum stays more popular is that most of these "blokes" never heard of aeforum.net

(can I say that? I need that green grinnin' toothy fella up there)


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