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Old 12th Mar 2001, 02:34
  #7 (permalink)  
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I am a soon to be ex-heli engineer, and I have seen some things which have made me so angry.

I know an unlicenced guy who is probably one of THE best engineers that I know, I would happily fly in anything he has been working on. The only thing is, he has a real problem with the exams, it is just a memory test as Diablo said, but he freezes!

As a total opposite, I also know an LAME with type ratings coming out of his ears who I wouldn't trust with my wheelbarrow! I think that his work is dangerous and of poor quality.

The training establishment with which I am familiar, runs a course, whereby you do ONE day a week, doing one/two modules a term and sitting the JAR exam at the end of the term. I think this is a very hard way to learn, and from what I have heard their pass rates leave a lot to be desired!

You can actually get a JAR66 licence with 3 years experience, this is on the condition that you attend a JAR 147 approved training establishment for a set amount of time. I don't think that ANYONE is ready to certify an aircraft after three years.

One last point, Rob_L, try not to be as scathing of people who do not have as much experience as you. Everyone has to learn sometime, try and let your LWTR Aeroplanes 2 person know that they can come to you and ask you things.
spannersatcx is also right though, everyone MUST ask questions, if you don't accidents WILL happen. It is easy to say, and I know that some people find asking question harder than others for fear of appearing a fool. We have to accept other people are different, and less experienced

'Some days we are the statue and some days we are the pigeon.'