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Old 11th Nov 2000, 01:15
  #14 (permalink)  
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Penn Doff - I can't speak for all the worlds favourite's LAEs, but I know many are leaving and are not being replaced. No effort is made to retain them. I suspect it's part of the master plan. What isn't part of the master plan is that the good RMA guys who would in years gone by have been potential LAE material are now getting an A+P and getting work elsewhere rather then go down the JAR 66 route. Correct me if I am wrong, but won't the RMA guys be in possession of some sort of limited JAR 66 licence in the near future and will themselves become a marketable asset in their own right? From my experience, the problem is the standard of RMA guys varies from the barely competent to excellent. Just because they hold an RMA or some sort of JAR paperwork means nothing because of the ease of getting the qualification. Certain TMG (management grade) LAEs have a lot to answer for as it was them who in the first instance were allowed to support the RMA application. In the current climate I would suggest that any LAE who can support RMA applications now does not support an application if he or she thinks that the required experience is not gained. There is currently a mad rush of candidates trying to beat the deadline for JAR66 conversion. Some LAEs feel they are compelled to support applications as they accepted the offered "supplement". They can refuse if they know the application isn't genuine. They should refuse as they are placing their own jobs in jepordy.