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Old 25th Apr 2005, 22:12
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Bad apples in every trade / branch.

Supplier 'supplying' petrol to locals at overseas base. Nice 100% profit.
Accounts F/L using public money to gamble in Hong Kong, but his luck ran out.
Chef Sgt taking copius quantity of food home.
F/L Catering officer ordered cooked chicken once a month to take on picnic to nice place across the water, but they never showed up on her mess bill.
RAFP jncos at St Athan raided stores so much they almost emptied it, one geezer had dustbin full to the brim with 13 amp electrical plugs.!! And enough blankets to equip an expeditionary force. All stored at home in Somerset ready for sale at market stall some months later when he was demob. Thousands of quids worth of gear in total.
Air Marshall in NATO appointment in Holland always claimed full Rate 1 every night he stayed free of charge in residences of other senior officers who he visited throughout western europe. His personal staff were too scared of him to question the fraud. When eventually a keen newly arrived SAC Accounts clerk did so, he was told that he did not seem to be fitting in well in an 'international military staff environment'. Told to shut up.
Mess manager Sgt had more booze stored in his garage than you could find in a brewery.
FS MT who never bought oil for his car, always had a free fill up in DI Bay.
F/O Accounts at Gutersloh made a few quid by spending a couple of hours once a week re-hashing the accounts roll used to calculate currency exchange from the trooper flights. But on one occasion he used red ink instead of usual black.. Idiot made about £50 from each flight.
Cpl Gen Tech, married male unaccompanied, at coastal command med base, had habit of taking small boys back to barrack room. Jailed for 2 years.
Sqn Ldr at Laarbruch, OC Youth Club and Scouts took boys to his room in the mess. Padre who was attending the court martial tried to stop 3 of us entering the court room,, ''it was not right for Cpls to be present'' he said. Rubbish, we were in..continuation training, and it was a serious offence to try and prohibit anyone from attending a public court, as I advised the Padre, politely I might add. He rang our boss for advice and was put in his place!! Witnessed laughter in court, the one and only time.. Prosecutor said, '' I now produce exhibit H, a large jar half full of vaseline, which was found on the dressing table in the room of the accused''. Defence officer said, '' I can see nothing wrong with anyone having a jar of vaseline in their room''. Prosecutor replied, very quickly, '' What, a 3 pound jar, nothing wrong?''....... Even the JAG smirked, it was hilarious for a good minute.. Then, '' The accused has admitted that the 13 black jelly baby sweets forming a neat line also on the top of the dressing table represented the number of times a boy had been ''assaulted'' in his room''. Well, he went to jail... hope he is still there.
Sgt in Cyprus raped his daughter and got 7 years jail.
Cpl at Bruggen murdered his daughter, with axe, and got life.
USAF/RAFP guarding a 'special' plane at Laarbruch were bored rigid, one afternoon, so decided to have some fun,, both had seen John Wayne, that great Amercian war hero in action, so they practiced some fast draws of their .38 pistols. Went well for a few times, but then catastrophy, the yank pulled the trigger! RAFP died a few minutes later, before any doc or medic arrived. Daily Mirror made an inocuous mention of a death at a joint UK/US installation in RAFG. Yank went to jail for several years.
Jnr Tech, a known scumbag, stole a couple of wheels off someone's car. After receiving complaint of theft, and 2 days hard slog, including 2 whole evenings of overtime without extra pay, or time off in lieu later, myself and colleage found the wheels fitted to another car. Scumbag's car!!!!!!! Ah we thought, go to jail for 5 years!!!!. No chance, Stn had had enough Court Martials, CO wanted promotion and things were not looking good for him with all the crime and courts etc.. No, no, lets do scumbag for 'improper possession'' we think he had reason to believe that the car the wheels were attached to was abandoned!!! Highly polished car which was in daily use by the owner, abandoned??? 7 days jankers awarded.. We thought, why do we bother???
Same Stn Cdr ordered that numerous car searches were to be done over period of several days, to search for stolen goods. After the first search produced enough stolen goods to fill Aladin's cave twice over, the CO chickened out and cancelled anymore. He did not want 1 Wg Co, 4 Sqn Ldrs, 15 F/Ls, god knows how many F/Os, 2 WOs, and more than 50 FSs, SgtS, Cpls, JTs, SACs, LACs, ACs, all court martialled, and about 20 civys up in Crown Court, he issued a 'stern rebuke' to all personnel on the station..
''Avon Lady'' delivers hundreds of pounds worth of girlie stuff to the WRAF Block one evening, most of which were collected and paid for by the buyers. One package, though disappeared.. Much panic, it was worth £25 quid, a lot in 1970s.. Next day after speaking to the one who should have received the goods that were missing, I knew the little **** was lying, and demanded to search her room... Oh dear oh dear,, no no, you can't do that, she's a wraf!!!!!! We found the goods, some partially opened and used. Clear case of theft.... No, no said Stn, ''improper possession'' will do, don't want a court martial.
MO issuing false prescriptions so he could get high as a kite on the drugs himself.
SNCO aircrew x 2 said they had been robbed of flight imprest whilst walking down a city street, in foreign lands, highly suspicous, but nothing to prove they made the whole thing up. But you never know, one of them might eventually have a pang of guilt and spill the beans.
Sqn Ldr issued with outside line facility on his office telephone made about £250 worth of private calls.. Court Martialled and chucked out.
Cpl did not like doing his own laundry, so he nicked over 60 shirts from drying rooms in numerous barrack blocks. Still, he was ''ill'', so sent home to UK for admin discharge.
Sgt airframes stole an envelope containing new credit card from mess post rack, used it to order goods which he intercepted before the true card owner checked for any mail, and who only became aware of the theft when he read his next credit card statement..Jail beckoned for the guilty man, 18 months.
Air Vice Marshal 'misbehaving' in gents toilet near Trafalgar Square. Had to resign of course, after court case.
SAC 'sparks' stole an electrical razor from next room in barrack block. After much telephoning to every Phillips factory in the world (yea, yea!!!) we established that when it had been manufactured, he had been stationed on an island in the eastern med! Lying little **** finally confessed.. Ve had vays of making him!!!!! Court Martialled, 56 days and kicked out.
F/Os, several of them, set a fellow pilot on fire at Chivenor, causing very serious injuries. High spirits? Never! They went to jail.
2 males seen by me, at 0200 hrs, walking out of barrack block. No street lighting and it was very dark. They were carrying mattresses and started to put them into the rear of a van which was parked right outside the doorway. I thought it perfectly reasonable to enquire as to what they were up to. Afterall, were they going to fill the van with all manner of air force goods and vanish off base. But all I got immediately was,'' You are picking on us caus we're black'' !!!!!!!! Well, they were black right enough, but even had they been white, I would have still enquired what they were up to. That is what I was paid to do. After some exchanges, similar to that seen on the movies, I established they were unable to sleep due to noise a few doors away from them and decided to move further away to a friends block for the rest of the night. Fair enough. But next day, they and a friend barged into my FSs office complaing about my intrusion into their little excursion the night before. Of all the 100 FSs in RAFP during that time, HE was the very last one these morons should have chosen to accost about their perceived problem. Their asses nearly lost conrol as he read them the riot act. I wished I could have heard it. Those that did said they would remember it for all time. Ah those were the days, before PC!!!!!!

As you see folks,,, the bosses want their cops, but don't want them to actually do anything much, too often, which would put the stations in a bad light. Can be demoralising to say the least.

Statistics and lies!.

Million miles distance between meaning of theft and improper possession, is'nt there?

False number of thefts recorded on RAF stations. Secretary of Defence swallows the figures wholesale, and thinks ALL his armed forces personnel are wonderful, honest, decent, upright citizens. And so he tells the PM, who tells HM Majesty. Wonder what she thinks, though?

Gullible fools in MOD Government, but not HM!

Good job I kept a journal, my memoirs will fly off the shelves in WH Smith, sometime soon...............
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