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Old 7th Mar 2005, 00:42
  #134 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Pass A F^*kwit,

I seriously doubt you or your ideas exist in a rational, life experienced adult. Are you Mr Qantas but with a different handle, passing him off by spelling badly?

Here goes;

Why do you think unions came into existence? Is it because 12 and 13 year old boys were forced to work in coal mines 12 to 14 hours a day, 7 days a week? Is it because when they became injured in the mines in the course of their employment they were then useless to the company and discarded without any sort of help with their medical/living expenses etc?

I think you will find that Ultralight's drivers belong to a union for all of the benefits not just a payrise every now and again. Things such as legal assistance should they be involved in an incident. They are smart enough to know that justice is bought when they are up against people who have the views that your identity pass off here (You don't exist, if you did your work mates would have given you a good slapping).

Other things like union shopper - have you seen what prices they can source for you on ANYTHING! (I recommend membership for this alone!)

If you did exist, when you did your university education your lecturers would have advised you on quoting material found on the internet, especially sourced through google (not knocking it, invaluable tool but any crackpot can pass off BS as fact on it).

Why have you spent so much time qualifying for other work in case you decide to walk out on your employer? Not only are you blocking up the education system from someone who may use it, shouldn't you be putting in 12 to 14 hour days, 7 days a week for your all caring employer? Were you a full fee paying student? If you weren't I want the difference refunded to the taxpayers you duped by not using the education that we paid for. Woops! Sounds like you benefitted from a form of collectiveism by having your education subsidised by the many?

If the views passed off by your identity are those of a professional pilot, please let me know your roster. I don't fly often but I don't want to be flown by a selfish, self-centred, egomaniac who can't function as part of a team.

Unions aren't perfect but one day pilots will get their act together and realise the need for a SINGLE body that represents every pilot not the elite few. That has plusses and minuses because it means that turkeys like you wil get the pay and conditions regardless of whether they are members of the union.

In a perfect world unions wouldn't be required, but it's not a perfect world is it. ENRON, HIH, WORLDCOM, ONETEL were any of these destroyed by the worker? When your organisations behave responsibly and treat people morally and ethically then I will forgo my union membership, in the mean time enjoy the fruits of my labour you stooge.
