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Old 18th Dec 2004, 20:51
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Tartan Giant
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Unhappy Further Reading about these cuts

The UK is the 4th richest nation in the world, so why is Hoon the Bafoon saying we cannot afford the military staff/equiptment we have!?

In the face of all these terrorist threats which caused the idiot to put tanks in and around LHR, we now see our army, navy and air force being cut to the very bone - this is very dumb.

We read of Germany's increasing bad economy - but it does not stop them building up THEIR forces! Where do they get the money?

Please read this email that is doing the rounds - from one who really knows the score and is very worried, Lt Col Beckhough (do a 'google' if you do not know of the man).



Whilst Hoon pretends we cannot afford to protect this nation in the worst times - and cuts our land, sea, and air forces, others have found the money (somehow) to build up theirs! Rings any bells?

If you don't smell a rat, then it's too late.


Subject: More facts on Germany re-arming - from Lt Col Beckhough.

----- Original Message -----
From: Harry Beckhough
To: Stan Parr
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: More stunning truths from Lt Col Harry Beckhough

Stan correction: I was serving in India as an RA gunner officer (having joined in the ranks) when kidnapped by Bletchley Park. They discovered that I was a philogist with specialist knowledge of German.

They then made me into a Code-breaker,sending me to serve with the 8th Army, breaking Rommels messages etc., so I became more and more involved with Germann history, especially recent and present, as menacing and aggressive as ever...plug read my book "Secret Communications" about cryptology-to blind you with science!

Now the facts up to date, for general interest, culled from Intelligence sources: Germany alone in Europe continues with Conscription, building her Armed well-trained Forces. Why?

Today, Germany through EU and NATO involvement, is second only to America as the biggest supplier of servicemen for peacekeeping forces worldwide, with over 10,000 troops deployed.

Peter Struck Minister of Defence, claims more German troops are integrated into NATO than any other Army.
The Bundeswehr [have a look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundeswehr ] responsibilities have changed from originally only "permitted defensive", to "preventative conflict prevention" and "crisis management" - digging Germany deeper into each continent.

Now, with contrived excuse for long-distance "rapid response" missions, they are gaining better and improving communication, intelligence, reconnaissance, mobility, confrontational capability, and "post-conflict" support (unlike the Iraq situation post-war.)

Peter Struck said at a Press Conference 13 Jan "...the Bundesswehr will be developed according to an entirely new system of force categories, while maintaining the 5 military organisational areas of Army, Air Force, Navy, Joint Supply Service and Central Medical Service." (To me that spells some real organisation, that Hoon might learn if capable)

In Feb at the Munich Conference, Struck said "Our new course makes the Bundeswehr fit for the future (I wonder what future they are planning?). In March he said "This contemporary force is custom-made to play a huge role in the peace-keeping area. This transformation is due to be completed by 2010" (How does one define German peace-keeping?)

Remember: Post-war German Armed Forces were directed by law to be limited in power - maintaining only sufficient strength to safeguard her proper borders, NOT the globe.

Compare the Blitzkrieg with their modern 'highly mobile rapid reaction force. The Groundwork is now being laid - needing only the pieces to be put in place.

The goal as I see it, is to translate Europe, from its present military position of inferiority, compared with American present dominance.

This new system, as I have shown, divides some 242,000 [UK 207,000 in toto] service personnel into 3 categories:Response Forces, Stabilisation Forces and Support Forces, as I have described, unless you want more detail?

Query? Whence come the enormous funding? Germany is supposed to spend about 1.5% of GDP [UK 2.33% and Hoon says cut] on defence only, and has supposedly cut spending on defence by more than one billion this year.

But Wolfgang Schneiderhan, Bundeswehr Chief of Staff, issued "a directive to examine the entire service-school system of the Bundeswehr. Our armed forces will be more operations-related, better trained and more professionally led."

The world seems to have forgotten the warlike nature of German efficiency and ability to streamline, as demonstrated in aggressive war after war.

In the meantime, whilst puzzling about the cost, compared with Hoon's puerile excuses for weakening our own defences and demoralising our troops, just consider the rise of the neo-Nazis, now coming more blatantly into the open, especially East Germany and Bavaria, led by Stoibert.

He expects to be the next Chancellor and the rapid growth of the NPD German Military Initiatives: $24.8 million dollar contract to European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co - all weather radar systems for global surveillance imaging. Procurement of state-of-art helicopters, transport aircraft and 3,800 protected command transport vehicles. Acquisition of 180 Eurofighter jets ($22 Billion), the costliest arms deal in the Bundeswehr history.

Development of "infantrymen of the future" equipment for 80,000 operations personnel.

New command frigate SACHSEN, one of the most advanced armament developments in Germany's history. 3 more for 2005.

4 type-212A Submarines [have a look here at the German/Italian pact http://homepage.eircom.net/~steven/crustmov.htm ] the most advanced in the world.
ThyssenKrupp purchase of the world's largest submarine maker to act as core of a heavyweight warship (Frankfurter Allgemein Zeitung 21 May.)

Germany's elite force KSK to be increased and integrated with NATO's rapid reaction force in 2005.

German efforts to secure a permanent seat in the UN Security Council - held by only 5 other nations in the world - which would grant Germany voting power.

All this aggressive high-speed manoeuvring puts Germany in top dominant position in Europe, NATO and UN. And the world again looks on, with Britain disarmed and unprepared as usual, but in even worse plight under Labour and Blair!

Are we sold out to the German European Union?
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