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Old 11th Dec 2004, 16:58
  #73 (permalink)  
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"...security is a deterrent...."???

You really believe that? Then why are you removing pocket knives from crew & pax. when they can buy a 750ml glass bottle of spirits? Or a can of soft drink? Or any of a plethora of items that make damned useful cutting implements? How about knitting needles? Do you really believe they're more dangerous than a sharp pencil or fountain pen?

Just what sort of deterrent do you think security is providing? "Hey Bin Liner, leave your box cutter at home. We'll buy a nice bottle of Scotch while we wait for boarding."

I have to be careful with my fuel sampler if I have to get airside with it. It (shock, horror) has a screwdriver attachment! Which, btw, is used regularly to open access panels, check Dzus fasteners etc. It's a tool of my trade but would be removed by 'security' twits. How about my kneeboard or similar? It's nothing to file one side to a nice sharp edge. No one would ever know. Same for steel rulers.

What about all the tool wielding people allowed airside? Cleaners, maintenance, refuellers & emergency services, just to name a few. Don't forget their vehicles. How many place do you think there are to secrete a gun? How many of them do you think are inspected? Hope you answered 'almost none' because that's all that can be done unless you start xray-ing the entire vehicle or dismantling it to its component parts.

Meanwhile the a/c's required equipment can include a crash axe, scalpels in the first aid box.... Need I go on?

Anyway, the pilot has no need to hijack an aircraft to gain control of it - he or she **already has control**. No security checkpoint removing screwdrivers or pocket knives would stop a pilot deciding to spear in to Big Ben while on final. Not even the much vaunted scrambling of fighters.

Face it, the 'security' show to get airside is just that: A show.
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