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Old 12th Apr 2001, 00:01
  #80 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Oh what fun. Thought I might add two penneths.

First a response to the capitalism 101 line which many contributors advocate. Allow me to point out the fundamentaly cyclical nature of the industry historically. This led to a monster recession in the early nineties with a pool of experience so deep that all the carriers (in Europe at least) gave up on training.

Problem is with the resurgence in profits and growth there is a big fat gaping hole in the experience pool. Just look at all the adds for commanders in Flight! In spite of the persistent view of some contributors that all we do all day is drink coffee and stare at/push the odd button; there is no substitute for experience. I'm just about to start my third summer of I.T. flying, but I got this job from a standing start and I know I'm not ready for a command yet. Those of you who keep pointing out the pool of self financed wannabees over my shoulder; thanks, I remember my years there. But I'm not exaggerating when I say I would refuse to put my wife and children on a shiny 100 ton push button jet if I knew the commander only had 1000TT, even if it was all on type. I repeat, there's no substitute for experience. This means that those who have it deserve to be renumerated appropriately.

At least it does according to capitalism 101.

So all of us must be in line for these 30% pay rises I keep reading about here then? Yeah right. And why not? Well probably because as other posters have noted we airline jocks aren't famous for our militancy. We may not be millionairs but most of us are comfortable enough and, I fear, that comfort makes us forgetful. Why else would anyone tolerate the introduction of 'B' scales into their company.

Maybe I'm being too dramatic but I reckon this could be a crucial time for the long term future of our profession. For the first time in decades we have the kind of leverage that capitalism 101 confers. Do we use it to feather our own nests? Do we use it to make sure the self financers get a fair deal? Do we use it at all?

Right I'm off to join the Labour party....Doh