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Old 4th Nov 2004, 03:49
  #315 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Went out today on my first Nav Solo. Did all my flight planning and had it checked by an instructor. Given a nice newly painted and freshly cleaned Warrior to fly with the instruction not to get it dirty and to see if it flew any faster with new paint.

Then "Seeya" and everybody else goes about their business and I'm left standing there thinking. I'm standing here with an aircraft. I'm not under any time pressure or pressure to perform manouevres or pass tests or anything. Just get in the aircraft when you are ready and take it to the Latrobe valley, land, eat sandwich, then takeoff and fly back via the scenic route. Don't break anything. Don't end up in controlled airspace and don't feature in the newspapers.

A slightly daunting feeling. No one to hold your hand and if you screw something up, then you had better fix it yourself because no one else can.

So much for the introspection and confidence thing. Anyway I had a good time. For once the air was smooth as velvet. Landmarks arrived at the appropriate time and from the right direction. The landing was OK.

Had a sandwich at Latrobe and watched an Airvan under test demonstrate how well it and its pilot handled when its engine decided to play up at 200 feet on takeoff - it didn't lose all power and it made a very neat and very tight circuit back to the gravel rather than the extra few seconds to the bitumen.

Then back via the scenic route. All in all two and a half hours of flying.

A very pleasant and satisfying morning.
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