PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - USA-trained(?) PPLs
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Old 11th Sep 1999, 00:57
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hello there
Question... What schools might these .. four individuals have trained at...

I have to agree, with both of you,that the training in US was not nearly as good as that what I received in Europe.
Goundchools only slightly scratched the surface of the subject... Commercial groundschool was 4 weeks long as my private GS run 3 months and Multi combined with Commercial Inst was nearly 9 months...

A big problem here now is the low time CFI
with no experience in the real world of aviation. That might one reason that contributes to the lower than average standards of the US trained PPL:s you have dealt with.
Still every year Probably hundreds of US trained European Pilots come back and convert and get get hired with local airlines.
Why is that if they really suck ? perhaps it is actually possible to get good training over here. You just need to be careful where you go.

It was the busy enviroment and affordability of training that got me here in the first place and I have not regretted that move yet ( not a lot atleast ).
You see not everybody can afford to put thousands and thousands of pounds into training and get what 250-300 hours and a commercial and then what ?. No sir not me .

And saying that FAA to JAA licence conversions should be made impossible or that no training could be done in US is either result of lack of knowledge on the subject or very very dry humour.
That would only result in restricting pilot jobs to those only that are lucky enough to have been born into a rich family.
Solution for the JAA thing is: SCREEN THOSE CRAPPY SCHOOLS before they are authorised to do any sort of JAA training.

So what's the conclusion... Well you tell me


( My turn in the bunker )hahaha

[This message has been edited by JJflyer (edited 11 September 1999).]