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Old 20th Oct 2004, 00:21
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It seems wrong that people will loose there lives because of carburettor icing. If this was faulty wing bolts on 747's they would all be grounded until the problem is solved. Would you buy a car that needed the application of carb heat every five minutes.

Carburettor icing seems full of myths and misunderstandings.
Aircraft manufacturers in ther manuals won't commit themselves
as to when it should be used.

In 9000 hrs of instructing i can think of only 2 occasions when carb icing created problems, one a summers day practising pfl when learning to fly the engine stopped with carb heat hot in the glide, resulting in forced landing in my selected field and second a clapped out C150 engine stopped three times before reaching the hold on a very wet day. Needless to say i did not go flying.

Basic instructor technique, if you can't think of anything else to do in flight apply carb heat!

Ok there are a lot of engines out there, but surely some fuel additive could be created to eliminate the problem.
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