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Old 3rd Sep 2004, 06:40
  #42 (permalink)  
Zapatas Blood
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You don't have a very thorough understanding of what the war in Iraq was (IS) all about. Take a look at OPEC pricing policy, Petrodollars versus Euro, the difference between Gulf sweet crude and west Texas, the US current account deficit, the dependence on the US of maintaining the greenback as fiat currency and Saddams actions wrt the UN oil for food program, Iraqi Forex reserves - the list of factors goes on but to wrap it up with a simple "access to oil" argument is to let our politicians get away with far too much.

You say that the media reports that there are no WMD in Iraq. Are you aware that in early 2001, both Powell and Rice went on the record as saying that Iraq posed no military threat. I cant believe that rational people have fallen for the "we got our intelligence wrong" baloney being pedalled by Bush, Blair and Howard. There was so much to gain from invading Iraq.

You ask if I consider a terrorist training camp a WMD. I don't think there is a difference between weapons of destruction and weapons of MASS destruction. The most destructive military actions of our time have been committed with non WMD - the fire bombing of Japan killed hundreds of thousands of CIVILIANS each night (both LeMay and McNamarra admitted they were war crimes), the bombing of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia used conventional weapons and caused untold damage and suffering. Even the economic sanctions against countries such as Iraq and North Korea have killed more than WMD.

I assume you are suggesting that there are terrorist training camps in Iraq. I have seen no credible reporting to suggest this to be the case at all - even the Sep 11 investigation could not link the sovereign state of Iraq with the terrorist attacks in NYC/DC?
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