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Old 22nd Aug 2004, 11:48
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There is a big difference between an airline pinching another airline's staff and staff from the airline going over to the other airline. This is the way I see it. And for Toad to go over and ask the other airline not to pinch his staff reflects on his skin...which is undeniably thick. Also he is not qualified to call pilots who leave traitors as he is/was one too. The pot should not call the kettle black (sorry black sam...not referring to you).

MH pilots have realised that they are now marketable and are brave enough to make the decision to venture out. And for those who have ventured out, they have found that the sacrifices that they have made have been worthwhile.

Whilst we (those who left) felt that MH was a great airline to work for, all of us left because it cannot pay us the salary that we were looking for. Some of us needed the money to recover from stock market crash, some to fund our childrens education, some to save money, some buy more houses, some spend money, some to pay alimony, keep mistresses and so on. Basically most of us left because of the financial situation, and not that MH was a bad airline.

We also felt that flt ops management was also a push factor that made our decisions to leave all the more acceptable. Mind you, if the money in MH was close to what we were looking for, we would have tolerated and stayed (some people would take this to reflect loyalty). However we assessed the situation and felt that it might be better salary wise in another airline. At the end of the day, whether you fly for MH or another airline, you are going to be tired. When the renumerations are good, the tiredness seems less and that gives you satisfaction. . If there is job satisfaction in MH, I am sure that threads of such nature would not have been posted here and pilots would have stayed.

And being called traitors really sucks . Do you know that those who left have brought nothing but praise for MH. Our new airline are happy and impressed with our performances. And we sell only good stuff about MH, as we still consider ourselves MH pilots, as you would still consider yourself to be the old boy of your school or university. We see more MH pilots who stayed condeming the airlines more than those who left. In this respect, those who stay are not loyal.

And why the animosity towards those who left. They too left out of loyalty you know. Loyalty to the family. This is priority number 1 for them cos they want to be a good husbands/fathers. And on top of that we're still Malaysians and we're patriotic supporters of our sovereign government. So when we hear or read remarks that we are traitors, we can only react with sadness.

And why call us traitors. When we wanted to leave, we gave notice, MH said ok, clear your leave, do the formalities and go. Feeling was mutual what. We left and bring good name to MH, whilst MH turned around and called us names, namely traitors. By calling us that maybe it is hoped that there was an inkling of sabotage so that there is justification that when the roster cannot run, and operations come to grinding halt, flt ops folks came blame it on those who left.

Here is the justifaction. Pilots left MH for better pay. And management allowed it. How many more pilots must leave before managememnt does something. Stop going to other airlines and telling them not to pinch your pilots. Tell your new chairman to stop playing war games, tell him the real picture. Ask the new chairman why so many pilots have left.

Start planning and do some work. The irony of it, some of your so called traitors might be the ones to rescue the company. God bless MH.
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