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Thread: bmi strike?
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Old 22nd Aug 2004, 10:29
  #56 (permalink)  
Fester T Adams
Posts: n/a


Why are we all fighting about this. It occurs to me we should be standing together on this issue. We both have the same enemy, airline management. Many airline companies have unhappy employees because of the way management treat them. Callous & indifferent as you employees perceive many pax to be to your situation for me & I'm sure many others this is not true. We are well away that there is gross mismanagement in many airlines, abuse of power & privileges & creaming it off at the top while the average worker is worked half to death at all hours of day & night without adequate renumeration & that their working conditions & rights are being constantly eroded.

But what is the pax supposed to do if they want to be guaranteed to get where there going remotely on time if not at all, a not too unreasonable request if you ask me. As it is I'm already thinking strongly about boycotting one airline because of the appaling way I know management bully & treat their staff so contrary to your beliefs I do care.

So what other options do we have:

1) Boycott every airline that we're aware has poor mgt/staff relations; by the looks of things we're not going to have many if any left to fly with.

2) Stay in our own country & for pleasure & business opt for the ferry to take us to Britain & the continent that's of course when the're not striking too.

Neither option for obvious reasons appears practical. It appears as I've said that neither the staff or the pax are in the wrong in these situations but both of us are suffering at the hands of corrupt, inept management. We should be sticking together to get a solution & force airline managements to treat their employees correctly & not be at each others throats on this issue.