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Old 10th Jul 2004, 07:47
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747 Downwind
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There is NEVER any harm in applying to anyone, and foreign based carriers do take British crew ... why there's Cathay, Emirates, Gulf Air, Air China, and the list goes on. It appears to me that many nation states respect the standard of British flightdeck crew, but for that reason they usually take ex BA, Virgin, BMI etc.

Many Middle East carriers are not conforming to FAA regs and prefer to use JAA regs, thus they accept JAA licences. Of course you may be thinking that all the carriers I mentioned are somewhat outside Europe's geographical boundaries. Is it not ironic that it is our ASIAN friends who like to recruit us with our European licence... the essence of JAA is .

yyzdub: if u know a British bred pilot that is flying for Air France than tell me his name cos I want to shake his hand.. if he exists.
I have friends who are fluent in both French and German and have full ATPLs, yes JAR ones, and have not even been considered.
To be in Iberia u almost certainly have to be ex Air Force or Spanish.. I was told a similar story by TAP quite blatantly.
Alitalia I have had no knowledge of so I won't castigate them in the same manner. These European flag carriers are extremely protective it would seem.. BA if only they could follow suit .

This makes a mockery of JAR, but it is a club.. airlines answer to the ANO, NOT JAR as it is not legally binding and this is why these continental carriers are taking the pi55. There is no need for this silly JAA licence the old CAA UK licence was just fine (those in the Middle and Far East still accepted it)

My advice, flapsnslats, try the FAR East, Middle East.. by jove. try every damn place that accepts a JAR Licence. If u do try the continentals then perhaps the flag carriers aren't the best.. try Berlin Wings, Aero Lloyd, Spannair, Portugalia.. u get the idea.. in fact I was pointed in the same direction with respect to Portuguese carriers.. u tend to stand a better chance with the non-flag carriers.

If u do get even an interview with in any order..
1) Air France
2) Lufthansa
3) Iberia

please let me know and then I will take back all the cynical any JAA rhetoric I have asserted on this post.. either way good luck and best of British

Anti- JAA rhetoric, sorry, Not any JAA rhetoric (whatever that would be)
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