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Old 27th May 2004, 19:40
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Thumbs down Heres the truth

I said some time ago I had an experience with CFS.

Upon posting this it will reveal my identify to the parties involved.

It is my request however my identity remain private. Whether this request is adhered to be the 3rd parties is to be seen.

I will first post the factual data so that you can see the full picture. I will then follow up with my own interpretation of events.

Here is how it went,


We have worked out the following amount as being due:

3.5 Hours Dual Flying @ R664.00 p/hr.......................................
R 2324.00

19 Days accommodation in the Crew House @ R35.00 p/day....... R 665.00

Total amount due R 2989.00

Please pay this direct into our Account

Cape Flying Services, Embank, George, South Africa. Account no :
##########. Swift Code NEDSZAJJ. Sort Code: ########

Kind regards CFS-CFI



Firstly, I would like you thank you and your team (Mirana, Gerald M, and especially Dean) for your help in my achieving a PPL. Admittedly it was not as smooth as it could have been but the result was the same. I am in receipt of your email regarding the outstanding fees and would like to notify you that I have today paid into your account a sum equivalent to 2779 rand and not 2989 rand as you calculated. The reason being that according to my brochure I was entitled to Four weeks accommodation (28days), which meant I overstayed 13 nights and not 19 as you stated, therefore I deducted 6 (days) x 35rand totalling 210rand from your total, I trust this is adequate.

I would however, like to express my dismay at being additionally charged any amount after the problems encountered during my stay, you know as well as I that a PPL in FOUR weeks during the winter months in George with 2 available aircraft is by no means possible, had I been told this before I left I would have accommodated accordingly, time wise and financially. Time aside, I believe that had I been able to continue flying ZS-NRY throughout and not convert to ZS-JLF towards the end of the course I would have completed much closer if not on 45 hours as opposed to the 48.5, which I’m sure is still no disgrace.

I have paid you the extra charges as I realize that you will hold my papers and prevent me gaining the license but I am still disappointed overall by the way that they came about.

I hope very much to return to CFS before the year is out with £3000 to spend, could you tell me what would be my best options presuming that I had not progressed past my current PPL stage.

Yours Sincerely,

The reply to this was

" if you dont like it go elsewhere" or very similar wording.



Dear NP,

I write to you to confirm I have returned from George on Tuesday successfully completing my JAA PPL course, I had an excellent time if not slightly lengthy but never the less I managed to achieve what I had intended.

I do however have some feedback for you, most importantly from my point of view an issue of finances. If you can recall just prior to my departure in May I spoke to you over the telephone regarding my concern of carrying a large sum, namely the £2545 outstanding balance of the course upon my person to George. My specific question to you was asking if Cape Flying Services had facilities for a VISA CARD transaction at the school, namely a CCD (CREDIT CARD DEPOSIT) machine to which you most definitely replied yes, therefore under your advice I refrained from withdrawing any sum of money other than my personal allowance.

Upon arrival at George I was greeted by a representative of CFS and taken to the school to complete the necessary paperwork, of course, in this period I was approached about payment and produced my VISA card in preparation of payment, it was then I was told by Marana the secretary that they had never had such facilities to pay directly by any card, let alone VISA, the worldwide standard card issuer. I was then left with only option of payment, which was to visit a bank and withdraw the cash and pay CFS with cash, here are the figures listed below,

05th May 2002

Nedbank exchange rate of 14.89 RAND = £1 as confirmed

VISA card withdrawal of equivalent £2545 (course price of £2895 -£350 deposit to yourself) = 379000 RAND, PAID INTO THE ACCOUNT OF CAPE FLYING SERVICES.

Therefore, I had paid the complete balance of the course £2895.

However, upon checking my account a few days later, I see the 37900 RAND withdrawal has equated to £2628.48 which is the £2545 plus additional Nedbank charges of £78:53 and VISA fee of £4:95
TOTALLING £83:48 more than I should have paid.

It is not the fact that I believe you misled me that really concerns me, it is the fact that had you advised me with the REAL situation, I would have proceeded to travel with £2545 and therefore would have incurred no charges whatsoever as that was the outstanding balance due. I have consulted with GT who advises me to conclude this issue with you, I have also spoken with Barclays Bank Ltd, whom my account is with and have evidence to confirm these figures.

I believe that it be just and fair that you refund the overcharge of £83:48 as a matter of decency and goodwill.

I hope we can resolve this matter without further issue.

Yours Sincerely

To which no settlement was ever agreed, because it became a case of neither GT OR NP accepting the blame.

Your questions are welcome, no doubt they will be of mixed thoughts!

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