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Old 5th May 2004, 11:51
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Question SQ Brass Resignations

The flurry of resignations at the higher levels of SIA seem to be more than coincidence. It is difficult to form an accurate picture of the reasons as those resigning are hardly able to be totally honest in their public statements. Criticism of SIA policies are not likely to enhance future employment chances (especially if one is in the PR field) and “undesirable immigrant” status could be just around the corner for those less than enthusiastic about the systematic attack on the pay and conditions of SIA employees.

A little speculation may be in order. It could be that some of those leaving are doing so because they too are having their incomes drastically cut despite working harder than ever to overcome the difficulties of the past two years. It would be nice to think that some feel unable to support the measures being taken and/or the manner in which they are being implemented. It must be very difficult to take part in the exploitation of fellow staff, many of whom have given excellent and loyal service over many years. Some may feel that SIA has changed from an outward looking, innovative leader in the global aviation world striving to make good profits through the provision of excellent service to an inward looking, short sighted, confused follower striving instead to save money by reducing the quality of service and cutting the incomes of the very people who have enabled them to succeed in the past.

SIA staff, like many Singaporeans, have made sacrifices in the last two years to help reduce the damage caused by 9/11 and the SARS outbreak. SIA has still made a significant profit in possibly the worst year in aviation history for South East Asia. SIA staff will now get their just reward …… pay cuts and reduced staff benefits in a year when even the Prime Minister has said things are looking up.

SIA uses bonding and severe financial penalties to prevent staff from leaving before the end of their contract. ( I wonder why they need to do that!) Perhaps they should go a stage further. Get rid of all the airline professionals who are trained in making money and employ more military people who spend their time trying to save money. Why stop at Generals. SIA could be another branch of the Singapore Armed Services staffed by National Servicemen subject to military law. I can almost see the first SIA Hercules boarding passengers via the rear ramp, each carrying a rucksack and a small pack of in flight rations. Think of the savings.

One thing is for sure. If SIA succeed in self destruction the blame will be laid squarely on the greedy, confrontational staff.
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