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Old 22nd Apr 2004, 18:26
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: South Africa
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Neither Cape Flying Services or Naunton Pugh will be bullied into paying moneys we feel not due. Mr. Young has the legal system to protect him if he has a legitimate claim. Should the Court decide that we where in error in holding back the £350 ( non refundable deposit paid to Naunton Pugh ) and award it, then I could understand Mr. Young making a post.
I have attached the following for your perusal, here he acknowledges the damage his posts have done and tries to use PRUNNE as a lever to have us settle.

Mr Sandy Young :

A “posting” will be placed on the PPRUNE website under the “cape flying Services” heading indicating that all parties have agreed to settle the matter to mutual satisfaction or similar, the existing detailed problem comments can be deleted if required.

My experiences in South Africa and at Cape Flying Services still remain relatively pleasant as I have made some good friends and experienced the solo flying experience. It would be a great shame and should be unnecessary to tarnish these memories irrespective of the reasons. The contract issue and all its legalities would be discussed at a future date should this matter proceed further, if it is deemed necessary. It would also be potentially economically damaging for Cape Flying Services, George and Cape Flying Services (Europe)

In conclusion, I therefore, request that within 7 days of this letter £350.00, be paid to myself otherwise I will have no other option but to pursue this claim and seek the possibility of claiming the total refund of this course, damages, legal and other costs. No other correspondence will be entered into.

Total package for 25 hours dual, 15 hours solo and further 5 hours solo/ simulator with all inclusive package of £2895

Hours cost relative to package
25 hours dual = £1737.00 equals= £69.48/ hour
15 hours solo = £ 868.50 equals= £57.90/ hour
5 hours solo/ simulator= £ 289.50 equals=£57.90/ hour

Hours used

33.5 hours dual @ £69.48/ hour = £2327.58
1.6 hours solo @ £57.90/ hour = £ 92.64
total = £2420.22
Package price inclusive total = £2895.00
Difference total= £ 474.78

Paid by Cape Flying Services (SA Rand cheque @ R12/£1= R 1497.36) = £124.78

Balance owed to AW YOUNG = = £350.00

While his breakdown is totally wrong, and doesn’t acknowledge any expenses like books, CAA fees, Insurance, accommodation, lectures..etc. He does acknowledge that Cape Flying Services refunded him £124.78. We did this despite the fact that he booked for a whole course, and the allocated Instructor and aircraft where underutilized due to his leaving early. On numerous occasions Mr. Young has warned people not to pay up front, by all means one can do this, but don’t expect a school to commit to anything more than that which you paid. We committed to the hours Mr. Young paid for and despite his claim, worked very hard to give him 35.1 hours of flight training in 15 days……hardly a SCAM. On the Terms and Conditions form, signed by Mr. Young it states clearly that a £350.00 deposit is non refundable.

Mr Sandy Young :

My objectives are two fold, firstly, warning about this school and hopefully this is the platform to air these concerns, people to be careful when considering it for flight training and secondly if people are prepared to tell their "first hand" account of their story via email to me maybe we can stop this "burning" of well earned hard cash by people with an interest in furthering their aviation career, lets face it I just got burned for nearly £5000.00(3 weeks trip to South Africa and "training"), understanding and reasonable people would not be very happy about that.

The actual flying instruction at the school was carried out by dedicated, loyal and hardworking professional instructors.

I agree, 36 hours flying time from any school in 15 days is good, but only, as an hour building exercise. I was and available to fly in George for almost 18 days not for an “hour building exercise” but as a structured AND personal course to complete the PPL as was stated in the contract with CFS (Europe), from scratch that is Mr. Pugh. This course was for at least 45 hours flying time over my period at CFS in George to complete the PPL.

An “hour building exercise” ?? And then he post’s this :

Mr Sandy Young :

Give this Guy a Job !, he is worth it !
Dean was my instructor in George. Despite my many problems with the school and its UK based agent, I can certainly recommend Dean as a 1st class instructor.

He gets on well with his students, professional, has a great sense of humour (really, I know this is unusual for an instructor !), very experienced and above all gets the job done !!

He is certainly worth an interview with a first class company and no doubt will be a great asset to YOU !!!

Any personal references are welcomed, just PM or email me


sandy Young

I had no intention of posting a response to Sandy Young, however his posts have been damaging to Cape Flying Services, Naunton Pugh and myself. He claims to have tried to come to a settlement….here is an example.

Mr Sandy Young :

Dear Sirs
You are no doubt aware of the pending hearing to issue summary Judgment, in January 2004.
It is my intention to take this matter “all the way” due to the failed response to my many issues, however, it has always been an objective to reach some kind of resolution, if possible, at some stage, to avoid costly and time consuming court action. There is only one side of the parties willing to make any kind of proposal to resolve the problem and this is rather sad taking all the circumstances into consideration, I have already submitted a proposal to Naunton that was rejected.
Even at this late stage in the proceedings my door is open to a solution and I truly believe that a there is surely a workable solution to the benefit of all parties and this email is sent not as a “wind up” but perhaps an opportunity for us all to finally move on from this.
Bearing in mind that my student SA PPL expires in 6th April 2004, have 3 exams i.e. Nav, Met and Airframes to complete with around 15- 17 flying hours being required to finally complete the SA PPL. I would anticipate that the course could be completed in around 10 working days i.e. Monday to Friday or at worst 14 days if you include the weekends. To complete the SA PPL has always been my objective when considering the trip in the first place to South Africa back in April 2003.
My proposal to resolve the issue is that you provide the following:
1. Return airline trip from Manchester to George with an acceptable route during perhaps Feb/ March 2004
2. Bed, breakfast an evening meal accommodation at an acceptable location for around 14 nights in George.
3. No more than 17 hours flying time, irrespective of solo or dual with perhaps JLF and all other costs associated with flying the aircraft for the purposes of completing the course any other flying hours required will be paid for by me at an agreed rate.
4. Providing any ground school or any other assistance that is normally required to assist me in completing the course including transport to the airfield and town as appropriate.
5. Completing the 3 remaining exams: Nav. Met and Airframes
6. £300 or R3000 cash to cover other costs that may occur during the trip payable upon acceptance.
The acceptance of this proposal and its agreed implementation will end all legal proceedings and action against you. Strange as it may sound I do not harbour any resentful feelings about returning to George, I will be there to do a job by completing the course and will assure you that this is my only intention.
I would be grateful for your comments as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully

Sandy Young

Come back and fly with us ???

After the last Court case ( Jan 2004 ), he said he would settle for this :

Mr Sandy Young :

The FINANCIAL proposal is NOT NEGOTIABLE AND FINAL quite simply-

• The full refund of £350 for flying hours not taken, as indicated in the diagram shown on item 4.
• The full refund of £100 overcharge as stated on the invoice.
• The full refund of £180 costs incurred for court proceedings and action taken within the UK.

Total: £630

I apologize for “hanging out our dirty washing” it’s pathetic and this is not the medium through which any legal reconciliation is likely to be met. Cape Flying Services will not refund on principal, and refuses to be blackmailed into doing so, no matter how paltry the sum.

Gerald Todd
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