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Old 13th Jun 2001, 14:45
  #40 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

A little balance please folks. Although not as interesting as Practical Classics or Razzle, Flight does still have it's place. As a former RAF pilot I would like to remind you that there are a great number of military pilots who read/subscribe to Flight and some of the directories are aimed at them (even if just to make them think "why has air force X got such good kit when ours is such crap").

The ad sales pay the majority of the costs and a s Ace says you have to appease the advertisers (look at the percentage advertising content in the average newspaper or car mag). This is not an excuse for the rather less-than-interesting nature of some of the articles (Spaceflight for example - will any of us get a transfer to the Shuttle in the near future?).

I got my current and previous job fromj adverts in flight (and applied for, was offered, but ultimately turned down 3 others as well) and in my view it is still the best place for European aviators to find jobs advertised. The World Airline Directory also gives the addresses to cold send your CV's, don't forget!

I'm not keen on the new layout (too much like Avioation Weekly - but at least not printed on toilet paper) but give it a chance to develope, it's only the first week. How good were you folks on "Straight and Level 1" when learning to fly!

Message to the publishers - try to liven up the journalism. Look at Autoexpress/Practical Classics for examples on how to impart information and keep the reader awake.