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Old 19th Mar 2004, 20:29
  #252 (permalink)  
Badger Badger Badger
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Exclamation What I See

Hello there

I too have lost my job, and today was my last day in BOH; this is what i know and in no way is offical.

EAAC have not gone bust, nor are they in liquidation, they are under administration. This means they can continue to operate under very strict rules and in a extremely streamlined fashion.

HR have indeed sent letters out to us, if you haven't received them yet then its Royal Mail's fault. This letter will have enclosed a form to be completed, which is to be returned to EAAC where the administration will process it.
We should receive what is owed to us, as was explained to me payment upto the 17th of March, any notice period stated on your contract, plus any outstanding holiday entitlement until the 31st of March. I am not crew and therefore do not know about FDP. If you have been employed continuously for 2 years i believe you are entitled to Statutory redundancy payment.

From what i gather 2 747's will be leaving EAAC, and the rest will be positioned at cost effective locations. 2 737's will operate along with approx 100 staff (in total not just crew!), hopefully with a busy summer and a following wind it might just save EAAC.

I have to admit i am annoyed at the readiness to blame "the management", and many of you blame PGS. This is wrong, if you want a target to focus your anger on then blame Stephen Woodland; installed as COO during the buy-out. The truth is out there is all i can say at this time...

A post was submitted to PPrune which some caught a glimpse of, this was posted to by someone from EAAC with some informative details; aimed to answer some of our questions. Pprune deleted it as they might well delete mine.

One thing i can tell you is that the remaining staff are genuinely as gutted as we are, but they are committed to the task at hand; keeping EAAC operating. As one person said "we started small, we grew, things got messed up, we cut back and come back stronger".

We all lost something this week, all i can say is I wish you all the best of luck, and it was a pleasure working with/for you guys & girls.

Ps: As you can see Havana has set up a message board, i think we should all move to there and give ol' Pprune a rest If this is not to your taste then if i receive enough requests i will try my best to build another chat forum like we had on the Extranet.

Last edited by Badger Badger Badger; 19th Mar 2004 at 20:49.
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