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Old 6th Mar 2004, 13:31
  #18 (permalink)  
no reds
Posts: n/a
. . . once upon a time , a long long time ago before the Head Waiter was given his money to $*** up the airline systems in the known world , and pin scissored ties to the notice board in reception there was calm.
Or at least no waves, but that wasn`t good enough for our saviour of the right and the proper
He had to force the people who ran airplanes on a daily basis to desist from offering fares up front - and at 5quid a throw - ish - it was very attractive.
Lo and behold before too many blue moons had passed four people travelling on the same flight from LTN to EDI having booked three months in advance paid more for their tickets than they would to Florida
Alack, this is good , on the TV an orange captain explains that he is just a bus driver - busses stop and people get on and off - quoth he - and that is all he does
It`s a wonderful life
. . . . . do you really want your kids to fly with these ******s?

. . . . . . . tosspots then . . .

ps . . you didn`t have the dickheads regularly prior to that did you ?