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Old 31st Jan 2004, 06:09
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Tartan Giant
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Unhappy From a friend

Jackonicko You will like this, from a friend of mine!



----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Lance Watkins
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:59 PM
Subject: Government Vindicates Itself


May I personally congratulate Tiny Blur and his dysfunctional clique of zealots and their spin doctors, as they have been totally vindicated in their Hutton Report.

May I congratulate The Government for getting away with drawing up the terms of reference for the report on such a narrow and prescribed basis that their selected Government employee, paid by the Government was able to totally exonerate his employers the Government within the narrow terms of reference his employers gave him for criticism.

The report does absolutely NOTHING to exonerate Tiny Blur and his sordid claque of having lied to Parliament and the peoples of Britain to dupe them into war.

There is absolutely no doubt that Tiny Blur lied in September 2002 when he claimed there was certain proven intelligence that Hussein of Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, which he could use internationally within 45 minutes.

There is absolutely NO DOUBT that Tiny Blur’s team, further LIED, in February of 2003 on their web site where they published a dishonest dossier of intelligence and sold this ‘bill of goods’ as British intelligence to President Bush of America and his Secretary of State Colin Powell who, fully authorised by his President, used the dishonest Dossier as the main plank of argument and primary written evidence to justify what, by virtue of Tiny Blur & Jack Straw’s gross lies, was ipso facto an illegal and immoral war against Iraq.

Let us not over complicate these considerations but merely address the irrefutable FACT that Blair lied – now all that must be considered is did Tiny Blur lie wilfully or did he lie unwittingly? There is no other consideration required as it is an established and proven FACT that Blair lied!

Now we must consider IF Blair lied wittingly then he should be dismissed his office and put on trial for his treason. If however Blair’s lies were unwitting then he should be dismissed his office and put on trial for his culpable and criminal incompetence and lack of duty of care in office.

A measure of the extent of the lies, or for that matter the incompetence, can be shown: in that I, a provincial book dealer and retailer, shortly after the infamous lies of September 2002 contacted a front bench member of the House of Commons and brought to their attention the fact that Blair had lied.
I made the point that it was an established fact, established by the UN weapons inspectorate, that Hussein of Iraq was not in command or control of any proven Weapons of Mass Destruction and that it was a widely held belief, by informed individuals and agencies, that Iraq had had NO WMDs at its disposal since shortly after the first Gulf War and at latest 1999.

Further I brought to the attention of the party concerned that no evidence had EVER been led nor any suspicion voiced, that Iraq had ICBMs nor had they tested ICBMs nor had they purchased or experimented in research terms with propellants for ICBMs. Thus the dishonest statement of Blair’s that Hussein had WMDs he could deliver in 45 minutes was a lie – whether witting or unwitting.

One is forced to be concerned when an individual, such as myself, can almost instantly spot that a so called ‘British intelligence dossier’ on the web site of Downing Street and thus in the name of the Prime Minister and British Government is a fake and can then, with two associates, establish its source as being a 12 year old thesis by a student on an American web site and supply the URL, source and provenance of dishonesty to John Snow of Channel 4 News, Kirsty Wark of Newsnight and then the BBC Today Programme, as I did.

One is left with a couple of troubling conclusions – first: were the Prime Minister’s lies intentional with intent or not; second: if the lies were not intentional how could a man of such criminal incompetence have gained such power; third: what is the point of the accused being permitted to define the parameters of an inquiry into their dishonesty and then permitting the accused to select a given government employee and then expect to have a report produced that might just criticise the government which drew up the guidelines and parameters, selected the government employee to judge the case and called for the outcome.

Finally one has to consider the BBC – from my understanding of the BBC report on the Today Programme it would seem that at worst Andrew Gilligan was guilty of sexing up dry factual news as received from a respected source to present as palpable news for a general audience. I believe that I am correct in saying NOWHERE in the government report as presented by Hutton did it state that Gilligan lied. Further one must consider the fact that Gavin Davis, when appointed was seen as a Blairite toady a very wealth man who had amassed a great deal of personal Capital yet espoused New Labour and was a friend of both Gordon Brown AND The Blairs. Next one must appreciate that the BBC was further debased by the placement of a Labour Party donor in the person of Greg Dyke and thirdly the Labour staffer Andrew Marr was placed in News services of the BBC.

Perhaps the greatest lessons to be learned are the BBC should have greater independence from the Government than to be forced to accept placements; second that no selected but unelected individual should be permitted to status within Government achieved by Alastaire Campbell ever again; thirdly that there must be a stronger opposition worthy of the £4,000,000 a year they are paid, to act as a check on a runaway executive; fourthly that JIS intelligence must be of better calibre, fifthly that the JIS should not permit ANY rewrite of intelligence for political reasons; sixthly that it is specious to waste public money on an inquiry where the parameters, brief and staff are selected by the accused.

I consider the Hutton Enquiry to be accurate and fair and the judgement reached to be fair and accurate within the corrupted principals it was provided with.

I call upon Tony Blair and his immediate cabinet to resign for their part in the lies, as delineated above, presented to Parliament and the peoples, resulting in war crimes against innocent Iraqis and the deaths of British soldiers. That the displacement of an utterly unwholesome regime and the capture of its leaders resulted from the lies is in no way mitigation of the actions which brought the outcome about.

A measure of the arrogance and hubris of this Government and its contempt for the people and parliament is that it will come as no surprise that they have raised two fingers to the British public and parachuted in a new placement to replace the placements they made previously, who have resigned from the BBC, a man of debased and reviled standing amongst politicians, media and the public at large – such contempt for public sensibility is normally the measure of a third world dictator!

For most of my life I have had the honour and privilege of being rightly proud of my nationality and the lead it has given this planet – I deeply regret the shame one must now feel at being British and no amount of endeavouring to blame the fact that we are ruled by a foreign and alien supra national EUropean soviet mitigates the shame accrued to being British under this present Government. There is almost no aspect of British value that has not been debased by Blair and his cronies, who have done more damage to Britain than any terrorist or army in modern history, no greater single event has done more to eradicate freedom of speech in Britain than the Government report by Hutton.



Greg Lance - Watkins,

c/o Glance Back Books,

Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],

17 Upper Church Street,


NP16 5EX



Tel/Fax: 01291 - 62 65 62

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With today's communications surveillance systems, my ‘e’mail to you will be no secret to any number of the world's intelligence agencies, especially Echelon. The inclusions of keywords like bomb, nuclear, assassinate and the like will ensure "They" will know where my ‘e’mail originated from. Anonymity is pointless in the face of the obscene new Government driven surveillance, WE have permitted to take over control of our lives in the greater New World Order.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between the State violence imposed on peoples; by their own politicians, in the pretence of defending them, and the alleged violence of ‘so called’ terrorists fighting for freedom and dignity; which is the greater evil?

Increasingly the informed, honest, decent and law abiding peoples of Countries can empathise with those who wish the death of self seeking parasitic politicians and Super States, together with their corporate lackeys and self seeking apparatchiks.

Please be advised that if you wish to be removed from this list you have only to ask – however IF you hold ANY political job or Office or job paid for in any way by The State, or elected office PLEASE do not be surprised if you are completely ignored. You CHOSE to be exposed to my legitimate lobbying on behalf of my Country.

[In case your wondering chaps, I have his FULL permission to forward this entire message including his FULL personal details - that's how strong HIS convictions are]

Last edited by Tartan Giant; 31st Jan 2004 at 06:21.
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