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Old 18th Jan 2004, 04:43
  #8 (permalink)  
granny smith
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The (personal) view from Dubai:

1 - Is there a good working envoirnment with decent kit and good relations between local and ex-pat ATCOs?

Working environment could be better - we're chronically short of staff (a global problem) and the equipment is pretty poor. There is lots of new kit on order so this should get better in time. There are no problems between locals and ex-pats. We have different outlooks on life, the universe and everything but that's part of the attraction. In the past no-one failed to validate here. Strange that, given the failure rates in the rest of the world. Therefore some of the locals (and expats too) aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. This is no longer policy and our new young nationals are of a good standard generally. They need to be due to traffic increasing by 17% pa.

2 - Is management and more or less supportive than most ATCOs are used to?

Depends what you're used to. Serco management is ex-NATS and is pretty professional. DCA management leaves a lot to be desired especially at unit senior level.

3 - Does the money really go as far as the Serco website suggests and is there a reduction in salary until validations have been achieved?

Money goes a long way here as long as you aren't sending any back to the UK due to the woeful exchange rate at the moment. Cars a very cheap so you really can have that big 4x4 or Merc you've always dreamed of. Standard of living hre is many times better than the UK. Also, unlike the UK, it isn't pissing wet all the time and you won't get murdered.

Money on joining is 150k Dirhams which is frankly crap. After 2nd validation or 5 months whichever is sooner goes up by 20k to 170k Dhs (currently 6.8 AED to 1 UKP) which is better. Thereafter by annual pay rise or promotion.

4 - Is the provided housing of a good standard and in good locations?

Company still has accomodation on a compound in Jumeira but housing market is opening to expats so can buy own property. Many pros and cons of that. The single / married no kids housing allowance of Dhs 55k will let you get a decent but small place in town such as an apartment. You can also get a small villa further out of town too. Married with kids allowance is Dhs 75k which'll get you a decent sized place away from Jumeira.

Many people slag off Serco but from talking to people who work for other companies our housing allowance is pretty generous.

5 - Is there a good ex-pat social scene? For the unmarried (male) ATCO, are there enough single western women out there to prevent enforced celibacy on grounds other than personality?!?

Social scene is brilliant. Unless you are plug ugly you'll get a woman - if you are plug ugly don't depair as you can always pay - speaking Russian would be an advantage!

6 - Is there any bad blood between locals and ex-pats due to the "war on terror"?

Nope - UAE is pro west. Foreign mil come here for R & R.

7 - Is there a career path to speak of, or is a posting in UAE best seen as something to do for a few years before returning home (UK in my case)?

Don't expect to gat a promotion. Although unit is expanding and traffic is soaring there are problems getting DCA to pay for extra staff. Also promoted posts can be a poison chalice as you are held rsponsible for things you would not be in NATS. Also there is no union protection here. Those of you who slag off Prospect should try working without any union safety net.

Overall this is a great place to work. Come and try it. Making the first step to leave NATS is difficult. Once you've done it you realise it wasn't so difficult after all. There are plenty of other places in the region or further afield that you can go too. One of the good things about here is the mix of nationalities. It's fun (and frustrating at times too) to experience different ways of doing ATC. I have no regrets about coming here and am in no hurry to move on.

If you want any more info PM me.
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