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Old 13th May 2023, 01:06
  #51 (permalink)  
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In fact, the linking of the two things in my opinion serves to divide and discredit the effort and sacrifice that went into the raids. Get over it. There were hundreds of dogs on airfields all over bomber command and fighter command but nobody cares where their bones are now? Or are is there actually a huge shift to find the remains of every pet across the RAF during the period? Focus on the crews and the efforts and leave the casual racism out of it.
History is what it was and what it is.....sometimes not liked for any number of reasons some of which are quite unfathomable.

The use of a Dog's Name today seems to get some folks knickers in a wad....no matter the context of the use of a six letter word....one that was used as a Military Code Word announcing the success of a very costly but important bombing raid of WWII.

That it was the name of the Commanding Officer's Black Lab Dog, an Aviator that made a tremendous contribution to the victory of that War cannot be ignored or displaced or altered. He named his dog what. he did and that is historical fact as was the use of the dog's name following the raid.

That name was used to identify the dog...only the dog and was not used in any way to suggest any kind of racial slur towards anyone here or any ethnic group in the post some are taking issue with.

I would suggest some of you need to wind your necks in and get over whatever super sensitivities you have about it.

When that form of address is used in reference to any person or ethnic group at these forums I am quite sure a large hammer shall fall on the individual that does so.

What other terms/words/phrases would you sensitive types like to see stricken from the English language and what justification would you offer for that.....the fact that you just don't like it is not going to cut it?

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