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Old 15th Jan 2004, 18:16
  #112 (permalink)  
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Now we are having a nice clean bit of opionions here. Cheers mate! Genuine I feel this time. I respect your opinion and aggree in part also. Its just the wingers who have such a one eyed view to all, that I cannot stomach.
I must ask you though... why did you have "DARTS" as you call them in your windscreen, over a known (operating) drop zone?
I am assumeing the pilot did not make any radio calls, you had a coms faliure, the PDZ was not on any NOTAMS or maps....etc.
Cloud jumping in a controll zone or TMA etc is actually very safe if done right. Everybody knows whats going on and where everyone is (including canopys in the air etc.)
It is often the itinerent pilots that are in danger because they may not be aware of the Drop Zone.
By the way...canopys against a cloudy background are a lot easier to see than in a clear blue sky. The colours tend to blend in with the terrain.
Im not saying that I support illegal ops in cloud!!
But....if these guys are going to do it anyway, would you not feel safer if it was being done with set legal procedures? Maybe one of you guys should be pushing these less educated operators into a safe legal practise that works for all (with the help of CASA of course).
As for lift drivers sideing......mmmm some do yeah point takin. Not all though I can assure. Some are just to timid to stand up to some of them. As for B.H... know who runs it, but cant comment on the ops down there as have no experiance with them or the airfield.
Look at it from all sides mate. Then do something to help make it all safer! I know a lot of my efforts in the past 18 yrs of aviation have been just that! Which is why I cant stand the wingers.
Enjoy your big wallet.

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