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Old 22nd Oct 2022, 13:42
  #6 (permalink)  
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I am not a medical professional, but this is an honest opinion. I question whether sending more substances into your body after others is a good plan.

Depression and anxiety etc. are the symptoms of something, not the cause, and the chemical imbalance seen in the brain is also a symptom, not a cause. Trying to alter your brain's chemical balance by introducing other chemicals does not sound like a good idea to me.

Our brains and bodies evolved over millions of years, without any scientific or medical intervention. The human brain is the most complex thing in the universe and it is unlikely that scientists could add one chemical to magically "cure" it. And there are hundreds of chemicals in our bodies naturally, so it is not possible to know how another chemical might interact with all of them or what all the effects on your brain cells might be. We still don't know completely how the brain works but we do know that it works amazingly by itself.

We are seeing a lot more anxiety reported, and I think one possible cause is the relentless bombardment by television, radio and on-line of adverts and constant attention-getting and noise. There are very few periods of silence or even quietness in our lives nowadays. My suggestion is this. You need quietness. Use the mute button to mute all the adverts and trailers on the television. Also, don't use social media, the instant type. That can poison our minds into inappropriate thoughts and doubts and is unhelpful.

Then I suggest going jogging. Just low key by yourself. Don't use an App, don't listen to music, just go jogging through the woods or across the fields by yourself. Don't go to a gym. Don't set a target, don't try to beat your time or speed, just jog along gently and explore the area. Go about 5 - 10km, or about an hour, and go a couple of times every week. (I get up, clean my teeth and go jogging). Don't eat before you go, don't eat any "energy bars" or shakes or anything like that. Look and listen to the sights and sounds around you.

Eat healthily. Fast food, snacks and ready meals have a lot of dangerous rubbish in them. Eat natural foods that you prepare and cook yourself from raw ingredients. Don't add salt and don't eat sugar.

You also need good sleep hygiene. Don't eat or drink late. Give up caffeine completely. Get off alcohol if you can. Don't use any smart devices within 2 hours of going to bed, and have a bath, (no music, no devices), before bed and read a book, (an actual paper book - not one on your iPad), before turning off the light.
Try to have 8-10 hours sleep. Don't have your phone in the bedroom, and don't look at your messages or anything before going to bed. Buy black-out blinds for your bedroom. Don't set an alarm unless you have to be up for work.
If you do wake-up early, go jogging. Even before the sun is up you can jog along the streets and pavements, assuming they are lit.

(all of the above is what I do).

Cut out as many medications as possible - all of them if you can.

Do this for a month and see how you feel and if you are sleeping better.

Good luck, and please let us know how you get on
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