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Old 24th Nov 2003, 11:53
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time will tell

You are getting enjoyment out of all this eh? If you are trying to make about 30 people lose their jobs and happy about it, good luck! And you know as well as the rest of us that even if the operator was to be closed down they would just open up somewhere else and continue as if nothing has happened. Saying that if youve got good pics then set up a website like every other person in the place and show us all. Hope you got some of the boobie shots as well to keep everyone else interested.

Everyone knows that nothing much will happen to the skydive operators as the main two organisations in this, CASA and the APF have too much to gain from all the skydive operators. If they knuckle down on one they have to do it to all. This makes no money. Its a shame as i do partly agree with some of your points and someone has to go in with a clean rag and polish all these places up a bit.

And the pilot, well if they want to give him a slap on the wrist, Im sure they will. And as you said he's in command but he can only get them there and offer them the lollies. They still have to take them. I dont know about your flying or eyesight capabilities but whenever im directly overhead something i sure as hell cant see it. (When will they start making Xray goggles so our nights out on the town will be so much more interesting.) So the driver has to make a rough judgement on his way up if there will be a hole to see the landing spot. And its not a vfr hole its just a hole which, by the rules, can be as big as the person jumping. Thats not a real big gap is it. And unfortunately you cant really even see them from the ground looking onto a light coloured background. If they say they can see one, how is he to argue. Its their responsibility, in the end. Although I agree it should be all fixed up and tightened as the industry still has a large amount of cowboys, as proven by the fish shop accident, but the pilot in this case is a quality veteran and knows exactly how to get it done safely and within the rules. And im sure you agree a hell of a nice guy!

So lets see what comes out of the wash but i dont think they will be washing with a flood and starting again with a clean slate like you and BH would like. As per usual with government based agencies, i think things will just be patched up and given a new gloss. But you never know in a big city.

Keep it safe and dont take your hands off the wheel to take photos as it may be you causing the accidents and we dont want that.

Safe flying mate.
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