View Full Version : CAA VFR Guide

Andrew Sinclair
24th Jul 2003, 15:56
I was talking to Howard Dubovie from the CAA Aeronautical Charts & Data Section at the PFA Rally and he mentioned the return of the VFR Guide.

I bumped into what I think is the new web page containing a list of Adobe Acrobat files that make up the guide.

VFR Guide (http://www.caa.co.uk/dap/dapcharts/default.asp?page=2151)

The information is relevant to VFR flight below FL245, so all day flights for most PPLs who fly for enjoyment, unless you fly with oxygen or a pressurized cabin!

It looks like it could build into a valuable source of information precised from relevant section of the UK AIP which can be difficult to dig out. As far as I remember it will be amended and added to in time for the good and benefit of all.

I think this initiative should be welcomed as it will help to increase the knowledge base of us low hours PPLs and provide good reference material for more experienced pilots too.

P.S. A bit more information just received from CAA, AC&D Section...

"....the VFR guide is an updated version of the one that appeared a few years ago held on the NATS website. The intention is that it will be a living document that we will add to as time goes by, which hopefully will included other information such as standard overhead joins aircraft performance etc. We will monitor any changes to the AIP and will update the guide on the AIRAC cycle date if required.

We will be issuing a press release to go to the trade magazines in due
course, however it only went live on the 10 July...."