View Full Version : Where next?

3rd Jul 2003, 00:22

I have just started a fortnight on work experience at Bournemouth Tower. I am just wondering where and what I should do next to progress in my wish to become an air traffic controller?



4th Jul 2003, 00:24
Option 1. Pass five of your exams and study 'to A level standard'. Get an application form, fill it in and wait with fingers crossed. Play the interview game and hopefully you'll become an ATC student!

Option 2. Pass less than five of your exams, get a job as an ATSA or Sim Pilot. This will give you a decent grounding for a couple of years and THEN you can do the application/interview thing!

Good luck!

4th Jul 2003, 01:50
While you're at BIA ask if someone can organise a trip next door to the college. Then you can look/talk about your options with the students and instructors there.


11th Jul 2003, 02:12
Well, thanks for the help guys. I went to have a look at the college yesterday, and I am amazed. I seriously have my heart set on doing the job!

BTW, what is an ATSA? It's that an assistant in the tower? Thanks a lot!

