View Full Version : Alaska hour building

20th May 2003, 09:31
Anyone done some VFR flying anyplace in Alaska? Or right over the state even?

I've just been told, by a former resident, that the weather is actually OK throughout the summer, and that's it's the most beautiful place in the world and a must-fly zone. Some further research reveals Alaska has more pilots and aircraft per capita than anywhere in the world, and more airports than any other US State.

Rental seems to be marginally more expensive than California and Florida, and you're required by law to take a survivial kit (including a gun!), but it's still cheaper than the UK.

Apparently you can even fly VFR over to Russia, as easily as Florida to Bahamas... www.alaska.faa.gov/flt_Std/FLY_VFR_RUSSIA (http://www.alaska.faa.gov/flt_Std/FLY_VFR_RUSSIA/Index.htm) :ok:

But even just staying, say, in the Anchorage local area it looks like you can log 10 hours just by following the same routes as the scenic flights for tourists - which surely can't be too extreme?

Mr Wolfie
20th May 2003, 15:01
Alaska > Russia - VFR - Thats going to look quite impressive in the log book.

20th May 2003, 21:26
Yeah, looks cool to me, though maybe I'm being told porkies about the fine weather.

21st May 2003, 01:17
I have been to Alaska in the summer, and can assure you the wx is superb. On top of this, in june & july you get almost 24 hours of sunlight! (I think you get 4 hours of twilight but it never gets entirely dark).

Many people who live outside the major cities own an aircraft because there is simply no other way to get around....they are totally cracked in the head, landing on roads or wherever takes their fancy:)

I would imagine you require a gun as there are more bears in alaska per square mile than anywhere else in the world!

If you get a chance do it, I think its one of the most stunning places on the planet, and the people are very friendly.

21st May 2003, 07:57
If you want recommendations of who to fly with, I'd suggest asking over at www.supercub.org. There are quite a few Alaska based pilots who use it and although it's a Super Cub site, I'm sure they'd advise you.


21st May 2003, 21:39
Found this in using Google - http://www.dot.state.ak.us/stwdav/akfly.html

Hope it is of some assistance.