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18th Mar 2003, 08:48
We all remember that feeling after our first solo!!!!! Just wondering if anyone treats it as a special anniversary when the magic day comes round each year. I make a big effort to fly on that day even if it's only for a couple of circuts, touch wood have been able to do it for the 4 years since solo, even managing to grab the same plane on a couple of occasions. All very silly really I suppose but it does bring back the memories of that magic time, if anyone says they get drunk on the anniversary, well that comes after the flying for me :)

18th Mar 2003, 09:03
Aaaaahhhh!!!!! :*

I've been so busy getting my PPL finished that I've only just realised that I missed the anniversary of my first solo. Boy, am I glad I'm not married to Ms C-152 ;)

I'll have to make a special effort next year to make up for the slip.


18th Mar 2003, 09:04
My first solo was on the 29th February 1996...so in 7 years of flying, I've only had one anniversary!!

I got to keep the ATC Flight Progress Strip though!!

QNH 1013
18th Mar 2003, 11:23
On the first anniversary of my first solo I celebrated by re-flying the route of my first NFT and not getting lost!

My first NFT was a disaster and if you're going to get lost, the NFT isn't a good time to do it. At one point ATC, presumably guessing (correctly) that I was lost, asked me for a position report. The conversation went:

East Midlands Radar: G-XXXX report your position.

Me: Err, G-XXXX is temporarily unsure of position, believed to be somewhere to the South of Swadlincote.

EM Radar: G-XXXX squawk 4551

My examiner then replied: G-XXXX doesn't need any help. He has an instructor on board.

EM Radar: I'm very relieved.

I don't celebrate the date anymore though.

18th Mar 2003, 12:55
Great story QNH 1013!!!

I've never thought about the anniversary of my first solo, but it is a good idea. Can't remember the exact date off hand, but it must be coming up soon, so I think I'll try and fly then.

The plane I used is still available so I could try for that too.

I shouldn't be sweating as much this time (well, hopefully :ooh: )

Whipping Boy's SATCO
18th Mar 2003, 17:58
5 April 1984 - it's been rather a long time now so I don't really celebrate (a bit like my wedding anniversary!). However, I do remember singing to myself when downwind in the cct. I also remember thinking that the nice female voice in the tower must REALLY fancy me as I was a REAL pilot.

18th Mar 2003, 20:11
July 20 1987. Easy to remember, anniversary of Neil and Buzz strolling on the Moon. (although in Oz it was the 21st.)
If I'm working, I grin my head off (assuming I don't lose the landing competition). If I'm not, I have a beer or 20. ;)

18th Mar 2003, 20:25
My first solo was in a J3 Cub, so the space in front of me where my instructor had always been before was blatantly apparent.
I also remember singing on downwind in between doing my checks 27 times! What a flight, what a day. I feel quite ashamed that I havn't really celebrated its anniversaries, and will do so with some vigure from now on. Thanks for the idea.