View Full Version : Go On - Stop Infringements!!

6th Dec 2002, 10:23
For those of you who may not know, we have a project sponsored by the CAA which has three professional non-CAA pilots looking into the reasons behind infringements of CAS by GA aircraft and actively encouraging any suggestions on how to reduce the problem.

We have been running for about 18 months and have a website at www.flyontrack.co.uk . The site has been the main vehicle for obtaining information from controllers and pilots, and features an open forum for ideas and suggestions from you at the sharp end. It also provides a questionnaire to gather infringement 'stories' from those who have transgressed - all anonymous with no need to register at all.

Many of your colleagues have heard of us, as witness the many suggestions and discussions we have already received from controllers. This is really directed therefore to those of you who have not yet had a peek at our site, or not heard of the 'ON TRACK' project. We accept there may be some who haven't!!

The project is due to wind up on the 31 December 02, and we will be starting to write the final report to the CAA in early January. We want the report to carry as much weight as possible to achieve maximum results. You know the sort of things that need fixing, so make sure your views are heard.

The more comments and reporters we can quote, the more chance we all have of getting improvements to the system.

Please don't dismiss the project with a "No chance!" As Neil Armstrong said, "One small step for the CAA - one giant leap for aviation safety" or something similar.

This is definitely a first step for the CAA and they're keen to see results.

So if you have any ideas or suggestions to make the skies in and around CAS safer, then please get over to our website quickly and give us your contribution on the Your Say forum. Let’s face it – this is the first time you’ve been asked directly for an opinion, so don’t let it pass unnoticed!!

Alternatively you can e-mail us, or phone, write or fax us for free! Details on the site.


David Esson, Mike Nash & Chris Gould

“The On Track Pilots”