View Full Version : Tactical/Planner?

Bullseye Check
3rd Jul 2002, 20:09
Could someone please tell me what the difference is between the planner and tactical at Nerc please, and who is the best person to speak to for co-ordination on the east coast.

ps can all agencys note we are suffering from some landline comms problems at buchan if you hear nothing just mention your console number and whether its co-ord/handover etc and we will ring straight back!!

3rd Jul 2002, 20:16
In a nutshell the tactical controller is the person actually controlling the aircraft. The planner controller effectively co-ordinates the aircraft through the sector. So guess who you should co-ordinate with?

3rd Jul 2002, 20:32
In the time it takes to coordinate with Buchan the problem has usually passed.
Recently all we could get was a recorded message welcoming us to RAF Buchan and then a message offering a selection of options!

Coordination with all military controllers takes far too long.
Controller direct to controller is the only way to go!

3rd Jul 2002, 20:40
Ooohh! War stories about Buchan and co-ord with the scopies! Where do I start??? OK the very worst first.

From ScATCC(Mil) I rang them and got the Fighter Allocators Assistant, asked for controller of **** squawks and was told I was being transferred. Eventually the phone was picked up. As it turns out in the Tea Room as the Scopie who had just been handling the traffic and been relieved had said to the assistant "Any calls from Scottish I'm going for tea so put them through there". Kinda difficult to attempt co-ordination in this instance!

Aunt Rimmer
3rd Jul 2002, 21:23
In my oft-forgot past, I recall an incident involving Neatishead who had (allegedly) agreed to stop off at a lower level against ScATCC(Mil) traffic.....

After the level had been bust, the conversation went something like ....

<Neat> "Neatishead"
<ScMil> "Scottish Mil, requesting co-ordination"
<Neat> "Go ahead"
<ScMil> "Next time you do that, I'm going to jump in the car, drive down the A1, and PUNCH YOUR ****ING LIGHTS OUT - OK?"
<Neat> "............................co-ordination agreed" <click>

Bye bye

Avoiding Action
4th Jul 2002, 18:09
AR - so you've found the "copy" function from the other thread then?:D :D :D :D

5th Jul 2002, 20:48

Thanks for the wonderful job you're doing improving our credibility.

I wait with baited breath for your next enlightening thread.

Perhaps "To get the console to switch on should I press the 'ON' button?" would be suitable?

Sarcasm - the lowest form of humour,

Luv and Kisses
