View Full Version : Difference and cross-validity of JAR and FAA logbooks

17th Jan 2016, 08:54

Looking now for jeppesen logbooks and there are two of them - FAA and JAR ones.

My question is - if i chose the Jar one (which seem a bit more logical to me) - will hours logged there be valid with FAA?

Genghis the Engineer
17th Jan 2016, 09:10
Yes - nobody really cares all that much.

I have a pre-JAR UK logbook, that has always been absolutely fine for both my EASA and FAA licencing requirements.

In all cases, just make sure that you know what specific information you may need for your licencing needs, and ensure you're recording it -if only in the remarks column.

There are some very good electronic logbook products which won't cost you much and will do this very well - it's worth ALSO having one of those. (Or create your own - mine runs very happily in Microsoft Excel.)


17th Jan 2016, 12:44
Thank you!!

Check Airman
18th Jan 2016, 06:11
That's another reason to have an electronic logbook. Log the data you need, then you can export and print it in any format you wish.