View Full Version : "Whilst"

20th Nov 2014, 05:37
It's truly ironic that The Emirates Group Language Guide has the word "whilst" in its 'Glossary of words to avoid'.

This in spite of the fact that the Flight Ops documentation is littered with this archaic and chronically overused word.

20th Nov 2014, 05:49
You have too much time on your hands. I want to be on your fleet

20th Nov 2014, 07:13
One dept not knowing what the other dept is doing regarding supposed fundamentals, maybe ironic by not surprising in this show.

Somebody should be called into the office for tea and biccies on a day off for that.

Mr Good Cat
20th Nov 2014, 07:26
I'm a thicko.

And I was never much good at English at school.

Could somebody please explain why the word 'whilst' is a threat to the safety of my flight?

What should I be using instead?

20th Nov 2014, 07:47
You can use "while" as a simple alternative.

20th Nov 2014, 08:36
I've been here over a decade and didn't even know there was such a thing as an "Emirates Group Language Guide". Hard to believe given the quality of some of the literature that comes out of EGHQ.

Do we have an SVP of Language?

20th Nov 2014, 08:49
Would that really surprise you?


20th Nov 2014, 09:43
Ed used to write us memos littered with the word "whilst" and I always had the feeling he was just signing something put in front of him since no American would ever use the word.

20th Nov 2014, 16:36
Actually, one has to adapt whilst in the sandbox. Things like Roster instead of Schedule, Leave instead of Vacation. Tea and Biscuits instead of Tapdance.

Semaphore Sam
20th Nov 2014, 19:21
Too Twue, we 'Muricans wouldst never use "whilst". Sam

20th Nov 2014, 19:52
Many years ago l remember there was an article in Pravda (Safa) that the word "Revert" should not be used in communications, as in please revert to my email.

It's been used so many times that l think there is someone making this stuff up to justify their position whilst no one listens.

Ooops :rolleyes:


Emma Royds
20th Nov 2014, 20:04
Obviously the majority of our Indian colleagues missed that article.

20th Nov 2014, 21:24
That is funny

20th Nov 2014, 21:36
I'm banning the word AVAIL.
Give me a Platinum Najim.
Thank you.

21st Nov 2014, 05:15
Use of the word 'same' as in; "please send same..."

Also, why do people in this part of the world ask for your 'good' name?

The industry-wide use of increasingly complex English needs to be challenged.

Plain English campaign, spread the word;
Home (http://www.plainenglish.co.uk)

Praise Jebus
21st Nov 2014, 06:29
"Going Forward" , first entered the EK language in the era of a talking horse and has now permiated all levels of Flight Ops. A phrase as superfluous as Ed was... Makes me laugh when pilots in management positions use the term presumably in an attempt to sound more "corporate". The exact opposite is of course achieved..... Should be banned along with "The Business".....

21st Nov 2014, 07:07
I refer to the same :confused:

21st Nov 2014, 07:43
You are all Miscreants, and will all be Charge-Sheeted!:D

21st Nov 2014, 07:44
In FZ the buzz phrase was ' please be guided accordingly'. Hilarious.

21st Nov 2014, 08:02
Could also do with a few thousand less occurrences of "robust", "happy" and "pedantic".

Not to be "anal", sorry....

21st Nov 2014, 12:00
I will do my "level best" not to use the word whilst any longer!

" A very" good morning, afternoon and evening should also be removed:ugh:

SMT Member
21st Nov 2014, 12:57
When I receive an email containing the phrase 'please revert with your position', I copy paste my previous mail and send it off. Confuses the hell out of them, gives me something to laugh at.

'We shall do the needful' is code, and means the exact opposite of what's written.

21st Nov 2014, 13:16
Can you explain me??

Visual Procedures
21st Nov 2014, 13:45
From my side, this is a most excellent thread :D

21st Nov 2014, 14:21
Too much having fun, No??

21st Nov 2014, 16:43
I only revert back to intimate you to be guided accordingly and do the needful due to regretfully our SVP of Inglish expired at the weekend but.
PositiveRate876 would like to recall the message

Eau de Boeing
22nd Nov 2014, 03:16
Thank you all from the heart of my bottom......

Capt. Flamingo
23rd Nov 2014, 01:04
I find this meatloaf rather shallow and pedantic.

27th Nov 2014, 12:06
Just reading the ASR's (bored).

"Of grate" Was used in a report about engine cowl securing in BUD on a 330.

Of grate? Seriously?

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, the most esteemed commander of the iron bird known as the Aey three thirty is of grate to the peasants that workith on said vessel! :}


27th Nov 2014, 16:10
I may need to find and read the ASR to figure out what you're talking about Halas. Or I could smoke whatever you're on maybe??

Paraffin Budgie
30th Nov 2014, 10:25
And adverts for cars invariably include the phrase "white colour", or similar.

As if it would be "white flavour"!

The Outlaw
1st Dec 2014, 18:42
whilst |(h)wīlst|
conjunction& rel.adverbchiefly Brit.
ORIGIN late Middle English: from whiles + -t as in against.

Still in the dictionary so what is the problem?

Do you have fits when you hear the word "tyre"?

puff m'call
2nd Dec 2014, 08:09
Must start to use "Whilst" in my P.A's.

2nd Dec 2014, 14:26
The problem is that the EK Language Police themselves advises against using said word even though it's used ad nauseam in company documentation.

That's why!

2nd Dec 2014, 14:36
charlie charlie