View Full Version : Nats Pay?

29th May 2002, 14:24
I'm going through NATS selection and am about to have my technical/personal interviews. NATS publicise ATCO salaries to start at £22K rising to £60k.
Now I have some friends my age (23/24) who are ATCO's and they are earning stupid ammounts of money (for our age) and from trawling through the forum I see there are ATCO's who are more "seasoned" earning not a great deal more - things seem to stagnate very quickly - can anyone explain the actual situation to me? :confused:

Ohh and if anyone has any tips for the interviews they would be much appreciated too!:)


Goldfish Watcher
29th May 2002, 15:10
Im a graduate and used to work in the leisure industry. I earned more when training as an ATCO than when I worked in the middle east in the leisure industry.

Another point - although you'll have to work shifts, you wont be getting home from work 12 hours after you left in the morning. Like a lot of people do (unless of course you go to the pub after a hard day 'pushing tin' :) )

Anyway, youll start at CATC on about £17K (im not sure about the exact figure) plus an accomodation allowance and expenses to travel home once a month. Total package is worth just over £20K - this phase is upto 18 months

Then at your unit you will be on a 2 year scale which has 4 points. Starts about 22K and goes up £1500 every 6 months. On top of this you get £4200 shift allowance, a small amount of 'home to duty' petrol money, and if you are near London a weighting of about £1300

After you validate you go onto the ATCO scale (after the initial 2 years of course) Either ATCO3 or ATCO2 (depending on your unit) - ATCO 2 goes up the salary scale quicker and has a higher limit (about £60k or thereabouts). If you want to go management route you might become ATCO1 and earn more.

There are other allowances that I havent got a clue about (instructor allowances etc)

So, in short - the younger you join, the more you earn 'cause its all based on service years you see! therefore your friends at 23/24 can be earning the same as someone at 30 who joined the company at the same time.

The argument over pay at the moment is not disputing that we are relatively well off (compared to Joe Public). The question is ARE WE BEING PAID WHAT WE DESERVE? eg compared to pilots, the **** we have had to deal with recently etc etc. But that is a whole new thread............................

Hope this is helpful - Im sure someone will come along and give the exact figures in due course


Goldfish Watcher
29th May 2002, 15:11

INTERVIEW STUFF HERE (http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/radar2001/resources/ATCO1.htm)

29th May 2002, 15:31
:) :) :)
Thanks for the info, things are getting clearer now! Much appreciated.:D

Christopher James
29th May 2002, 16:48
My advice is to show them how much you want the job. Enthusiasm for this job makes up for a great deal and somebody who is keen is already on the way.

30th May 2002, 07:28
Hello CJ, Adam here on green!

Thanks for the advice it is all much apreciated. I was going to be an RAF ATCO but left Officer Traininging half way through (Women!:rolleyes: ) so I'm pretty keen to get into ATC, I've been temping since I left the RAF so I'll be glad to get into some propper money again too.

If it all goes wrong maybe I'll start Sunshine Deserts!

Thanks again matey!

Adam:) :) :)

foo fighting
30th May 2002, 11:37
interview tip - if asked insist that you would vote no to any pay deal once you are in the employ of NATS - a world leader in air traffic management but not remuneration. A surefire winner !

good luck