View Full Version : Shenington Gliding Comp...

Tupperware Pilot
20th Jun 2014, 15:14
......for those that wonder what Mary Meagher keeps going on about.
She are a few others will be at Shenington for the next 9 days. I will be taking photos, Mary will be providing the entertainment. (Not flying).

Follow the comp website here,
Shenington Regionals (http://shenington.onglide.com/current-day.xml)

And my photos and videos here!

Tupperware Pilot
22nd Jun 2014, 19:02
Well we are two days into the nice!
And we have flown both!
It's warm!
But to day everyone got came home!

Tupperware Pilot
26th Jun 2014, 07:03
This is what glider pilots do of an evening!

We have now had 5 days and today looks like day 6.
Great flying week so far...

mary meagher
30th Jun 2014, 17:31

WHAT AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHS Tupperware Pilot has posted! Our Nine Day competition had 6 cross country days, and every day something different, take the time to look through the pics and get the atmosphere of what we get up to!

You don't know what you are missing!
