View Full Version : TMG Instructor

Desert Strip Basher
26th Apr 2014, 22:04
If I have a FI(A) and hold a TMG rating am I able to instruct for TMG's or do I need to take any supplementary training?

26th Apr 2014, 22:35
That falls within the privileges of the rating - FCL.905.FI. The training may only be conducted at an ATO with a TMG Course approval, or a RF that has notified its intention to conduct TMG training.

4th May 2014, 23:44
In addition, you must also have either:
(i) completed at least 15 hours of flight as a pilot on the class or type of aircraft on which instruction is to be given, of which a maximum of 7 hours may be in an FSTD, if applicable; or
(ii) passed a skill test or proficiency check for the relevant category of instructor on that class or type of

5th May 2014, 06:50
Dust B

I think you are gettring confused with the CRI, both your quotes are from:FCL.905.CRI CRI — Privileges and conditionsof which a maximum of 7 hours may be in an FSTDPlenty of those for TMG!