View Full Version : Sponsoring my PA38???

25th Mar 2014, 14:04
Hey everyone, how's it going?

I think this is the right place to ask this so...

I own/operate a Piper Tomahawk and I was wondering if anyone here knows if it's possible to get a company to sponsor your private aircraft? Like get it painted with their logo or something? I have looked on Google, but there's just no chance of getting an answer!

I'll attach a pic to show you guys what I mean.

Cheers. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=breitling+tomahawk&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=aowxU4u_Gsvo7Aah_IDIBw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=709#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=o3tP_GdQbLzmaM%253A%3BtNEPd7aApaGphM%3Bhttp%253A%252F% 252Fcdn-www.airliners.net%252Faviation-photos%252Fmiddle%252F5%252F2%252F3%252F1116325.jpg%3Bhttp%2 53A%252F%252Fwww.airliners.net%252Fphoto%252FBreitling-(Maximair)%252FPiper-PA-38-112-Tomahawk%252F1116325%252FM%252F%3B640%3B439

25th Mar 2014, 14:31
I think you might get a few people to sponsor you to burn it.

But a paint job is usually more than people are willing to spend. So you wouldn't actually make any money.

Mach Jump
26th Mar 2014, 00:57
Great idea FDP, but unless you are going to do something with it that would attract some publicity, as MJ says, I doubt that sponsors would even pay for the painting, let alone anything beyond that. :(


26th Mar 2014, 10:44
Come on mad jock, surely you can't be that averse to the ole' Tomahawk? And no I didn't call you Shirley! :} haha

Thanks mach jump, but I wouldn't even be looking to make any money of it - just give an old plane a new lease of life. But I guess you're right, I would need to find something that would attract publicity.... but what...


26th Mar 2014, 11:57
I love tommys and stick up for there great quality's as a training aircraft.

You can do a search on it.

There are those though who would prefer to fly a stinking cramped boring heap of a C150/152 who would chip in to watch one burn.

26th Mar 2014, 12:10
The only sponsorship in that area i would think of being possible is to get the sponsor on marriage - go, get a rich 90+ old with a passion for planes ...

26th Mar 2014, 12:14
Would that then make it a commercial operation? Could be a can of worms best left unopened.

26th Mar 2014, 12:19
No it wouldn't. You need to be paid for the flying part and providing a service.

Getting cash if its not linked to if it is in the air or on the ground is ok.

If for example a group member died and left a will saying they donated a new engine to the group due to the amount of enjoyment that the group had given him. It wouldn't be illegal to fly the plane.

md 600 driver
28th Mar 2014, 07:56
I was speaking to couple of jet skiers some time ago and they had a novel sponsorship program

They were both business men and each one sponsored the other for exactly the same amount from there own company's so it was tax efficient and no benefit in kind